
Climate change, green holidays and Grizzlies

What's up in Montreal? Just the future of the planet being determined by representatives from 156 countries that ratified the ...
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Green Gifts, Polluted Air

With the Thanksgiving holiday comes thoughts of holiday gift buying - so what's a greenie to do in the season ...
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Support and spread the word about EcoTalk

Support and spread the word about EcoTalk

October 30, 2006 Dear Friends of the Planet, Did you know you have your own national radio show -- devoted ...
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You want to support the show

You want to support the show

A few of you have asked how/where they can send a financial contribution to support the show.Here is our snail ...
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Forests, food, energy

Another victory in Congress, at least the opening round – Last week drilling in ANWR was blocked in a budget ...
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Help EcoTalk grow!

Help EcoTalk grow!

What about a two hour weekly show or even a daily show?Listen to Betsy and support the show! (2 min)Thank ...
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Arctic refuge and clean vehicles

We'll start by a few moments from the celebration in San Francisco of 35 years of environmental advocacy by NRDC, ...
/ clean vehicles, Energy

Talkin’ trash

This week end, just when you thought the EPA might be busy protecting our embattled environment we'll tell you about ...
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Climate Mash

Just in time for Halloween - and these ARE scary times - we'll debut "The Climate Mash", a scathing version ...
/ climate change, sea

Global warming and you

With Wilma taking aim at the Florida coast and the hurricane center quickly running out of names we'll speak with ...
/ climate change, Energy

Energy matters

This weekend on EcoTalk Betsy's guests are Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-CA East LA) will tell us about the so called ...
/ Energy

Driving less? Dams, the David Brower Youth Awards and the necessity to clean coal

Here is our program. The Alliance To Save Energy’s Lowell Unger will tell us why W’s recent request for Americans ...
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Dear Subscribers

The audiofiles for the October 1st program about Green Hotels are now available.Thanks for your patience ...
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Green hotels

We’ll let you know what your favorite hotel chain is doing, or should be doing, to lighten their impact on ...
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John Passacantando

Serving more than ten years in the public interest sector, John Passacantando has been Executive Director of Greenpeace USA since ...
/ Greenpeace
A new schedule for EcoTalk: Saturday 12 noon ET

A new schedule for EcoTalk: Saturday 12 noon ET

Unfortunately we don't know -yet- how this new schedule will translate locally: 9, 10, 11 AM across the country. Many ...
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Post Katrina

We'll get the latest on environmental health threats left in the wake of Katrina...what the EPA won't tell you about ...
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About Katrina and Planet Earth

At last the climate chaos long predicted by scientists and environmentalists has hit U.S. shores in the form of high ...
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Technical problem

Technical problem

Some of the links of our previous shows (before september 1) have been modified by the server that hosts them ...
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Towards the Summit

Our guests are: Marshall Ganz, Lecturer at the Kennedy School of Government Larry Fahn who recently stepped down as President ...
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