NASA Climate Scientist Dr. James Hansen
After ten years interviewing the best and the brightest in the environmental and climate community,time to say farewell to "The ...

Michael Brune: Where we need to go next
We also speak with another leader in the climate movement--Michael Brune. The Executive Director of The Sierra Club joins us ...

Tom Udall: climate crisis in New Mexico
Senator Tom Udall joins us, virtually via video, with his moving comments on how climate change is impacting his state ...

Linda Marsa: Fevered: Why A Hotter Planet Will Hurt Our Health and How We Can Save Ourselves
Linda Marsa, scientist and author of "Fevered: Why A Hotter Planet Will Hurt Our Health and How We Can Save ...

Josh Saks: climate change and college mascots
Just when we thought we'd covered every possible angle to climate change, a new one to consider: how college mascots ...

Lou Allstadt: Anti-Fracking Activist
Our first guest is an unlikely "fractivist"...Lou Allstadt is a longtime former Executive Vice President of Mobil Oil and he ...

Elizabeth Kolbert: The Sixth Extinction
Noted environmental writer for the New Yorker and author of three books, Elizabeth Kolbert talks abput her latest work..."The Sixth Extinction, ...

Laura Parker Roerden: World Ocean Summit 2014
The second annual World Ocean Summit is wrapping up in California with John Kerry and HSH Prince Albert among the ...

Adam Brandt: America’s Natural Gas System Is Leaky
A new study puts the brakes on the rush to fuel vehicles with natural gas. Asst. Professor Adam Brandt, with ...

Jim Morris: Big Oil, Bad Air!
Despite the Obama administration’s insistence that natural gas must be a part of United States energy policy, it’s increasingly clear ...

Doug Grandt: “Write to Rex, Write Away!”
Tireless–and fearless– climate activist Douglas Grandt discusses his efforts to encourage ExxonMobil to care about our climate, one letter at ...

McKenzie Funk: Windfall, the booming business of global warming
Human-caused climate change will be calamitous for many--and extremely profitable for a few. McKenzie Funk's new book "Windfall, The booming ...

Porter Fox: The Future of Snow
As the world tunes in to the summery Winter Games at Sochi, author and skier Porter Fox discusses the threat ...

Gabriel Sherman: The Loudest Voice in the Room
History may record Republican operative and Fox News Channel head Roger Ailes as being every bit as darkly effective as ...

Ryan Cooper & Evan McMorris-Santoro: How President Obama plans to put more power behind his push for environmental action.
Ryan Cooper of the Washington Monthly and Evan McMorris-Santoro of Buzzfeed discuss the growing grassroots effort to compel President Obama ...

Miles Grant: State of the Union & Climate Change
NWF’s Miles Grant discusses the President’s SOTU address as it relates to some of our favorite topics. Grant, also a blogger ...

Brock Evans: Fight & Win, Strategies for the New Eco-Warrior
Longtime conservationist, Brock Evans discusses his newly released book, “Fight & WIN…Strategies For The New Eco-Warrior”. After some 50 years in ...

Lindsay Abrams and Barry Bickmore: a vortex of denial
While much of the Northeast is once again stuck in a polar vortex, mainstream media entities are stuck in a ...

Brenda Ekwurzel and Aaron Huertas: Union of Concerned Scientists
Just how concerned are the scientists at Union of Concerned Scientists about the state of our environment? We talk to ...

Doug O’Malley: Chris Christie vs the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Hear about the other scandal Chris Christie doesn't want to talk about--the impact of the New Jersey Governor's pulling his ...