We’ll get the latest on environmental health threats left in the wake of Katrina…what the EPA won’t tell
you about lingering risks to human health in the disaster zone. We’ll
also get an update from Washington on the embattled Endangered Species
Act and meet a St. Louis man who packed up his family to head to DC for
last week’s protest against drilling in ANWR.
His story – and what he
learned from Americans along the way, will inspire you.
Listen to the whole show (37 min)
Our guests are:Maurice Coman, Conservation Chair, Sierra Club Delta Chapter in Louisiana, Chair of
the Sierra Club National Toxics Committee, and a resident of Metairie, LA.
Together with Christy
Leavitt, U.S PIRG Clean Water Advocate
Brad Black who came with his family to Washington DC for Arctic Refuge Day.
Final segment, Bart
Semsir, who is in charge of Wildlife Programs for the Sierra Club