Here is our program.

Lowell_unger_photoThe Alliance To Save
’s Lowell Unger will tell us  why W’s recent request for Americans to drive less is
not going to get us where we need to go, and what you can do about getting CAFÉ
standards out of “stall” mode in the legislature.
Listen (8 min)

Author Jacques
will talk about his new book, Deep Water, about the destructive power of
dams. Listen (6 min)

Davebroweryouth_4Three young eco-activists, recipients of the David
Brower Youth Awards

talk about their projects.
Listen (11 min)

Covercoalfall05_1Coal-fired power plants are the single largest source of man-made CO2, accounting for one quarter to one third of the world’s total.
An entire generation of obsolete
coal-fired power plants built in the 1950s and 1960s needs to be

Hawkins_bw_2_1David Hawkins,
director of the NRDC‘s Climate
Center explains the strategic importance of choosing the right
technology for the new coal plants that are going to be built:  "If the
are not designed up front to capture their CO2, they will lock us into large amounts of global-warming emissions for their entire operating lifetimes."  Listen (7 min)

Read the feature story by Craig Canine in onearth

LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)