Category Archives: Uncategorized

Heidi Kuhn: Roots of Peace and Landmines as an Environmental Issue

Heidi Kuhn’s life’s work has been the replacement of "mines with vines" through her organization Roots of Peace. Whether in the Balkans, Vietnam, or Afghanistan (where Roots of Peace has an office), landmines are an environmental issue, as land cursed with the mines of wars past cannot provide its people with sustenance or work. One cannot have a healthy relationship with the Earth if one is afraid to walk upon it. PART ONE (11 min)  PART TWO (7 min)

The Campus Climate Challenge at Cornell

Cornell Sophomore Carlos Rymer tells Betsy about his school’s contribution to the Campus Climate Challenge taking place all over North America, including a discussion between students and the administration about how higher learning can embrace true sustainability, and build a world where its graduates can thrive. LISTEN (9 min)

EcoHangers vs. All that Metal in Your Closet

Advertising veteran Bob Kantor of the Hanger Network used his experience and his ingenuity to fill the needs that he saw in the marketplace: the need for new marketing opportunities and the problem of all the energy extracted from making wire hangers, and the 3.5 billion of them that end up in landfills. The result of his brainstorming? 100% recycled paper hangers that he promises are stronger and more durable than the wire ones in your closet. And selling adspace on them has made them profitable. LISTEN (10 min)

Ed Begley, Jr. and Rachelle Carson: Living with Ed

An actor and environmentalist in equal measure, Ed Begley, Jr. is so far off-grid that he pedals a stationary bike to charge his toaster. Lucky her, actress and comedienne Rachelle Carson is his wife. What does Hollywood do with a stubbornly idealistic husband and his smart & sassy wife? Why, of course, they put their foibles on TV!  Ed and Rachelle join Betsy for a chat about their hilarious new HGTV reality show Living with Ed, and the reality of living the most realistic reality show ever.
PART 1 (11 min) PART 2 (7 min)

Basel Action Network Update on the Lethal Toxic Waste Dump in the Ivory Coast

Jim Puckett
of Basel Action Network gives Betsy the update on Trifigura, the gigantic Dutch oil trader who dumped the toxic waste from our first-world lifestyles onto some of the world’s poorest people in the Ivory Coast, killing ten and sickening thousands. Will Trifigura be brought to justice for profiting off the health of human beings?

Also, Jim talks about the Electronic Waste Ban that some countries have signed on to…..while others have proven reluctant. Everyday these nations refuse is a tragedy, as Jim says that E-Waste amounts to an "Ivory Coast" every day. LISTEN (8 min)

Picture: The Digital Dump


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