Category Archives: Books

David Steinman: Safe Trip to Eden

The original Green Patriot David Steinman tells Betsy about watching Green Patriotism enter the mainstream, the often overlooked fact of petroleum in all of our plastic products, and his new book Safe Trip to Eden: 10 Steps to Save Planet Earth from the Global Warming Meltdown.
LISTEN (12 min)

Danny Seo: Simply Green

Danny Seo talks about his books, from Generation React to the Simply Green series.
LISTEN (12 min)

Jane Kirkland & Take A Walk Books

Jane Kirkland joins Betsy to reminisce about attending Al Gore’s Climate Training Conference, and to tell the funny story of the accident that led to her writing an award-winning series of educational books designed to increase our children’s exposure and consciousness of the outdoors. LISTEN (9 min)

Heather Flores & Food Not Lawns

Is gardening a political act? In a very thoughtful interview, Heather Flores, author of the new book  Food Not Lawns: How to Turn Your Yard into a Garden and your Neighborhood into a Community, makes the case that the garden is the key to re-cultivating our communities, our diets, and our urban spaces.
LISTEN (10 min)

Joseph Romm & the IPCC Report

Joseph Romm, former Assistant Secretary at the US Department of Energy under President Clinton and current Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress talks about last week’s landmark IPCC report. Dr. Romm’s new book is Hell and High Water: Global Warming—the Solution and the Politics
LISTEN (12 min) Read his blog


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