Is the Polar Vortex connected to climate change? Dan Weiss of Center for American Progress says yes, kind of.
Is the cold snap, deep freeze, polar vortex or whatever you want to call it that gripped much of the ...

Why the cold snap is generating hot air (from the usual suspects says USA Today’s Doyle Rice)
USA Today writer Doyle Rice discusses his paper's commitment to connecting climate and weather news. LISTEN to DOYLE RICE ...

Kerry Emanuel: Noted MIT science professor shares views on the political and media climate
One of the big names in both climate science and academia joins us to discuss where things are as we ...

Scot Quaranda: Our Forests Aren’t Fuel: Wetlands Up in Smoke
From our atmosphere to wetlands under siege in the southern U.S. Scot Quaranda, Campaign Director for The Dogwood Alliance, weighs ...

Monte Thompson: Call of Life, Facing the Mass Extinction
We are sawing off the limb we're sitting on". That quote from futurist Paul Erlich, just one of many dramatic ...

Michael Kraft: Congress should move quickly to pass comprehensive climate change legislation
Professor Michael Kraft of the Department of Public & Environmental Affairs at the University of Wisconson Green Bay talks about what prompted ...

Robert Stavins: COP 19, Cautious Optimism
We get a first hand account of COP19 from Robert Stavins, Harvard's professor of Business and Government at the Kennedy School ...

Darren Goode: A Green Movement of All Stripes
Politico's Environment and Energy Reporter, Darren Goode, talks on his article about conservatives and green groups coming together for common causes, ...

Matt Russell: Climate Change is Real
Matt Russell, Food Policy Project Coordinator at Drake University, explains why his state's extreme weather should be EVERYONE'S CONCERN! LISTEN ...

Richard Heede: Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions
Richard Heede, of the Climate Accountability Institute, talks about the first-ever report quantifying where our emissions have come from over ...

Ralph Cavanagh: Pandora’s Promise
Ralph Cavanagh, the NRDC's Co-director of Energy discusses CNN's recent documentary, "Pandora's Promise" on the benefits of nuclear power. We ...

Jeffrey Sachs: about Typhoon Haiyan and climate change
One of the leading economists in the U.S., Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, joins us to interpret the latest monster storms and ...

Sean McElwee: GOP is an anti-science party of nuts
Salon writer, Sean McElwee, discusses his recent article which makes the case–once and for all–that Republicans ARE indeed the anti-science party! LISTEN ...

Naderev Yeb Saño: Stop this madness
In acknowledgement and honor of the thousands of victims of Typhoon Haiyan–a “hellstorm” that may go down as the biggest storm ...

Fred Horch: How can we make solar power affordable, viable? Pay people for it
Fred Horch talks about how to brighten solar’s prospect’s in his home state of Maine. The legislative policy analyst for Maine’s ...

Reverend Fred Small: Religious Witness for the Earth
Reverend Fred Small is a BIG force in the religious environmental community. The senior minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church ...

Dr. Radley Horton: Yes, there will be another Sandy
After the Super Storm that forever changed the New Jersey/New York coastline –as well as many minds– what have we ...

Daniella Dimitrova Russo: Just say NO to plastic
Silicon Valley businesswoman turned anti-plastic advocate Daniella Dimitrova Russo shares “must know” information about the role of plastic in our ...

Rob Hogg: SuperStorm Sandy Must Be Commemorated With Action
As we approach the first anniversary of Sandy, the super storm that signaled arrival of climate change for many Americans, ...

Dr. Michael Mann: Stop Distorting The Evidence
One of the world's leading climate scientists, Dr. Michael Mann, joins us to discuss results of the new IPCC report ...