Tag Archives: ecotalk

Bob Tarte & Fowl Weather

Bob Tarte
tells Betsy all about the trials, tribulations, and simple pleasures of living amongst, <gulp>, nearly 40 animals, all catalogued in his new book Fowl Weather: How thirty-nine animals and one sock monkey took over my life. Warning: You might not want to try this at home. Or, at least consult your significant other before doing anything rash! LISTEN (8 min)

Climate Change on Capitol Hill

Adam Kolton, Senior Director of Congressional Affairs for the National WIldlife Federation tells Betsy about the rallies that bolstered a big week for climate change on Capitol Hill: "There’s an expectation that Congress start to get things done. Bills need to start passing in one chamber or another." LISTEN (11 min)

Tim Flannery: The Weathermakers

Mammologist, biologist, writer, and 2007 Australian of the Year Tim Flannery tells Betsy about water rationing in a draught-striken Australia, his book for all ages The Weathermakers, and how us Yanks can’t afford to wait out Bush’s term in office. PART ONE (7 min) PART TWO (12 min)

Harry Potter’s Recycling Magic

If a tree falls to make some paper, and then that paper is recycled for the 12 million copy initial run of the new Harry Potter book, has that tree martyred itself for other trees and millions of Harry Potter fanatics worldwide? Liza Murphy, Senior Manager for Market Development with the Rainforest Alliance says….well, she doesn’t answer that question, but she breaks down how Rainforest Alliance and Scholastic Book pulled off this magic trick, and set the standard for how all books should be made. LISTEN (8 min)

Congressional Hearings on “Political Science”

Grist Magazine staff writer David Roberts kept a rather wily running commentary of yesterday’s congressional hearings on the White House putting their grubby claws all over taxpayer-funded science. The good guys got some jabs in, but was all the "lawyering" and "technobabble" a distraction from the fact that in the only contest that really matters (Climate Change!), we’re falling behind? "It was a political circus" Roberts says. "Trying to pretend that we’re arguing about science when what we’re actually arguing about is policy, helps the conservatives.
PART 1 (11 min) PART 2 (7 min)


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