Category Archives: Health

The Environmental Working Group uncovers a Toxic Two-Timer

Environmental Working Group
Executive Director Richard Wiles tells Betsy about digging up the all-too-convenient fact that a contractor hired by the National Institute of Health to judge the risk of toxic chemicals was simultaneously moonlighting for the chemical industry itself. Fortunately, even the current Fed leadership decided that the other foot had to drop on this one: "Some of the principals in this company have a long history of working as expert witnesses for corporate polluters." LISTEN (12 min)

Jeff Gearheart: Toxic At Any Speed

There are certain smells that have become a part of our modern environment, including the oft-celebrated "new car smell." But…what the heck is that? Jeff Gearheart of stops by to list the toxic chemicals that together form that odor, and what harmful effects may accompany it. LISTEN (7 min)

Stop Polluting Our Children

PVC Campaign Coordinator for the Center for Health and Environmental Justice, Mike Schade returns to tell us how states are acting to protect their little citizens from toys, bottles and pacifiers that contain toxic chemicals Phthalates and Bisphenol A. But state legislatures need your public support to pass laws against these chemicals, which amount to, as Mike says, "toxic lollipops." LISTEN (8 min)

Marion Nestle: What to Eat

Renowned nutritionist Marion Nestle, author of Foods Politics and What to Eat tells Betsy why she eats organic, why our government cannot do anything to guide us nutritionally, why a healthy diet is not as complex as it is made out to be ("Eat less, and eat more fruits and vegetables!"), and why it’s common sense for us omnivores to diversify our diets as much as possible.
PART ONE (11 min) PART TWO (7 min)

John Gray: Neither Mars nor Venus, We’re all from Earth

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus author John Gray talks to Betsy about how best to communicate our differences with eachother, overmedicating ourselves out of ourselves, and the battle between toxics and nutrients in our food.
LISTEN (8 min)


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