Category Archives: Green Biz

Keep EcoTalk on the air with Beantrees Organic Coffee!!!

Beantrees Organic Coffee founder Barrie Gromala tells us about the coffee that has won over celebrities like Oprah’s chef and Aerosmith, and announces a great deal for all of us and our planet: order coffee from, and Beantrees will donate one dollar per bag to keep EcoTalk on the air!
LISTEN (9 min)

Verdiem makes computers more energy efficient.

The city of Boston has cut its PC energy use by an astonishing 44 percent with the help of power management software company Verdiem. With power management something we need in every city, Verdiem Vice President of Business Development Dave Harvey tells Betsy what they can offer to any City or Company in the land. LISTEN (8 min)

PG&E’s Nancy McFadden

Senior Vice President Nancy McFadden is the perfect candidate to serve as one of the new faces of energy giant PG&E– now the type of energy giant that helps the San Francisco Giants go solar. Betsy remembers when PG&E wasn’t exactly eager to do sustainable business, and thus she is thrilled to sit down with Nancy and talk about her background working for Vice President Al Gore and California Governors Davis and Schwarzenegger, and everything that PG&E is doing to run a business that internalizes its effects on the earth and its resources, and that now refuses to take its central position between citizens and resources for granted. LISTEN (11 min)

Clif Bars GreenNotes Program

We’ve often highlighted Clif Bar as a company that defines values-driven business, but it must also be mentioned that if it isn’t fun, they aren’t doing it. LISTEN

Home Depot’s New Eco Options

Home Depot has really come along way since the late 90’s: their latest in a determined push to operate more sustainably and help their customers do the same is their Eco Options program. Walk inside your local Home Depot, says vice president for environmental innovation Ron Jarvis, and you will find products with the Eco Options label given prominent shelf space, and accompanied by information on the impact (or lack thereof) of the product you’re buying. Stop by April 22nd, and you may leave the store with one the 1 million CFL lightbulbs they’re giving away for Earth Day. Thanks, Ron! LISTEN (8 min)


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