Category Archives: climate change

Tim Flannery: The Weathermakers

Mammologist, biologist, writer, and 2007 Australian of the Year Tim Flannery tells Betsy about water rationing in a draught-striken Australia, his book for all ages The Weathermakers, and how us Yanks can’t afford to wait out Bush’s term in office. PART ONE (7 min) PART TWO (12 min)

Congressional Hearings on “Political Science”

Grist Magazine staff writer David Roberts kept a rather wily running commentary of yesterday’s congressional hearings on the White House putting their grubby claws all over taxpayer-funded science. The good guys got some jabs in, but was all the "lawyering" and "technobabble" a distraction from the fact that in the only contest that really matters (Climate Change!), we’re falling behind? "It was a political circus" Roberts says. "Trying to pretend that we’re arguing about science when what we’re actually arguing about is policy, helps the conservatives.
PART 1 (11 min) PART 2 (7 min)

The Carbon Coalition in New Hampshire

Carbon Coalition co-chair Ted Leach tells Betsy that in New Hampshire, "people just need to open their eyes and they know that something isn’t right. In 1977, there were 48 ski areas in New Hampshire. Today, there are 15. In the early 1970s, 80% of the Maple Syrup in this country was generated in New England, and 20% in Canada. Today, it’s just the reverse." Never ones to sit still ("Live Free or Die" after all), hundreds of townships have resolved to stop climate change in its tracks, by making any presidential hopeful go through them. LISTEN (11 min)

Cool The Planet, Save The Arctic

Alaska WIlderness League
Executive Director Cindy Shogan sits down with Betsy to urge all of us to stand up and be counted on March 20th in Washington, DC.  LISTEN (11 min)

The Heat Is On: Making Global Warming A Presidential Priority

As long as this absurdly early presidential campaign season is underway, EcoTalk might as well get its two cents in. Simply hearing environmental platitudes on the campaign trail represents progress, but it is our job to tell them what we expect from them on energy policy and climate change. Here Tony Massaro, Political Director for the League of Conservation Voters, talks about how they and other green groups are putting heat on politicians in every single congressional district in the United States. LISTEN (10 min)


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