As NRDC’s Daniel Hinerfeld reports, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday signed historic
global warming legislation that will reduce the state’s greenhouse
gas emissions 25 percent by 2020.
LISTEN (7 min)
As NRDC’s Daniel Hinerfeld reports, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday signed historic
global warming legislation that will reduce the state’s greenhouse
gas emissions 25 percent by 2020.
LISTEN (7 min)
What do Americans really think about climate change? Renowned pollster John Zogby delivers the data from a survey sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation.
LISTEN (11 min)
Picture from Antarctic Connection
Naomi Oreskes is an Associate Professor in the Department of History
and the Program in Science Studies at the University Of California San Diego. Her work was used in a Wall Street Journal article arguing that there is no consensus that global warming exists. The problem? Her work says just the opposite.
LISTEN (11 min.)
Peter Doran is Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences with the University of Illinois at Chicago. His findings on the climate in Antarctica were cited by Michael Crichton and Ann Coulter as support against global warming. The problem? Well, he’s a scientist, and they write fiction.
LISTEN (7 min.)
York Times global environment reporter Andy Revkin discusses
the monumental pledges made at the Clinton Global Initiative, and
evidence that Exxon may finally be acknowledging climate reality. LISTEN (18 min)
More on his blog and his books The North Pole Was Here and The Burning Season.
Music: Uncle Wade