Category Archives: climate change

Julia Whitty: The 13th Tipping Point

Journalist Julia Whitty broadly analyzes global unsustainability and what she says is its antidote, The 13th Tipping Point. There’s an equally compelling article of the same name in the current issue of Mother Jones Magazine.
PART 1 (11 min), PART 2 (8 min)

Laurie David: Stop Global Warming, the Solution is You

Laurie David founded and just published Stop Global Warming: The Solution Is You

LISTEN (8:50 min)

More info on her site

Jeff Burnside: No Reporting About Global Warming On TV In Maine

of Environmental Journalists
board member and TV reporter Jeff Burnside
tells about TV channels being forbidden to report on climate
change in Maine, and the lively debate at this year’s Society of
Environmental Journalists Conference. LISTEN (11 min)

Andy Revkin: Budgets falling in race to fight global warming

Andy Revkin, New York Times climate reporter and author of the family-friendly book The North Pole Was Here, says that funding for research into desperately needed alternative energies has been falling among both public and private sectors.
LISTEN (18 min)

Andy Goodman: Learn how to Deliver the Truth about Climate Change

Andy Goodman is part of the group of experts training volunteers to learn how to deliver the truth about climate change. The effort derived from people asking Al Gore how to do it after they had seen the movie.

LISTEN (18 min)


Broadcast Archives
