Category Archives: climate change

Daniel Kammen: China takes One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

As Berkeley Professor Daniel Kammen tells Betsy, it’s great that the Chinese government is considering a tax on industrial polluters. Less great, though, is that a coal-fired power plant opens there every ten days. As for the Republic of Texas…. LISTEN (11 MIN)

Patrick McCully: Climate Talks in Nairobi

Patrick McCully of the International Rivers Network gives us his report from Nairobi, site of the latest round of UN Climate Talks, or as McCully tells us, "Talks about Talks." LISTEN (11 min)

picture Climate Talks

Rocky Anderson and the Sundance Summit

Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson leads one of the most environmentally progressive municipal governments in the world, and has gone global to show other mayors how to act locally. Two weeks ago he co-hosted with Robert Redford and ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) the Sundance Summit, gathering 60 mayors from all over the country to tackle climate change. LISTEN (11 min)

Ross Gelbspan: Boiling Points and Practical Reactions

Renowned Journalist and former Boston Globe editor Ross Gelbspan specializes in practical, economically sound, macro-level ideas to confront climate change. In a special three-part interview, he lays out ideas he brainstormed with energy companies, economists, and policy wonks, and which formed the core of his 2004 book Boiling Point: How Politicians, Big Oil and Coal,
Journalists and Activists Are Fueling the Climate Crisis–And What We
Can Do to Avert Disaster


Aspen Skiing Company: Save Snow

Aspen Skiing Company’s Director of Environmental Affairs Auden Schendler tells Betsy how climate change threatens winter skiing, the friend-of-the-court brief they’ve filed with the Supreme Court and the impressive steps they’ve taken to become the most eco-conscious ski resort in the industry.
LISTEN (12 min)
Also see Save Snow.


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