Category Archives: climate change

ExxonMobil: Manufacturing Uncertainty

Freelance Environmental Journalist Seth Shulman was commisioned by the Union of Concerned Scientists to write a report on the tactics ExxonMobil uses to encourage public skepticism of the dangers posed by climate change. Today the Union of Concerned Scientists released his report titled Smoke, Mirrors, and Hot Air: How Exxon Mobil Uses Big Tobacco’s Tactics to Manufacture Uncertainty on Climate Science.  LISTEN (11 min)

Tribal Lands Climate Conference

Steve Torbit, Director of the National Wildlife Federation Tribal Lands Program, tells Betsy how  the tribes indigenous to North America have never needed science to tell them that we need to live in harmony with nature’s cycles. Now that climate change threatens our way of life, how are American tribes responding? "We’re ready to step to the plate." LISTEN (8 min)

Ed Mazria & the 2030 Challenge

Architect Ed Mazria of Mazria Odems Dzurec says that now is the most important moment in the history of building, construction, and architecture, and that only if that sector meets his 2030 Challenge will we stand any chance at a sustainable society in general: "We are the problem, and we are the solution." LISTEN (11 min)

Climate Change Roadmap for New England

Environment Northeast has just released a roadmap for six NorthEastern States and five Canadian Provinces to reduce carbon emissions a whopping 75% by 2050. EN’s Executive Director Daniel Sosland breaks down the ambitious plan with Betsy.
LISTEN (11 min)

National Science Teachers Association rejects 50,000 “Convenient” DVDs

Why did the National Science Teachers Association reject 50,000 free copies of An Inconvenient Truth, but freely show videos created with the backing of Conoco Phillips? NRDC‘s Jon Coifman wonders the same thing. LISTEN (11 min)


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