Category Archives: climate change

Andy Revkin, David Roberts, and the firestorm over the Climate ‘Middle’.

On New Year’s Day 2007, The New York Times published an article by Andrew Revkin titled "A New Middle Stance Emerges in Debate over Climate", setting off a firestorm on enviro-blogs and highly-critical editorials written by, among others, Grist Magazine staff writer David Roberts. Just where exactly is this ‘middle’? Does this ‘middle’ really find "An Inconvenient Truth" to be  alarmist and further afield of their beliefs? What is the rhetorical value of being seen to occupy a middle ground? What is the danger in labeling like-minded people ‘extreme’?

Andrew Revkin and David Roberts join Betsy to talk about the existence of a climate ‘middle’ and where something like "An Inconvenient Truth" or  EcoTalk for that matter, fits on the spectrum of opinions on Climate Change. PART 1 (11 min)
PART 2 (7 min) PART 3 (7 min)

Michael Dietrick, MD on Climate Training with Gore (and Betsy!)

Michael Dietrick, MD, Executive Director for the Water Planet Environmental Broadcast Service, chats with Betsy about their experience sharpening their climate expertise at Al Gore’s climate training camp last week. LISTEN (13 min)

Dr. Michael McCracken at Al Gore U.

Betsy dials in from Al Gore’s Climate Training Conference in Tennessee where she is one of 200 Climate Messengers learning the Gore slide show from An Inconvenient Truth and preparing to take it back to their townships and communities around the nation. Here Betsy chats with Resident Scientist Dr. Michael McCracken, who first testified to Congress on climate change in 1975. If anybody knows how to present this issue in laymen’s terms, it’s Dr. McCracken, who has some very interesting things to say about the different type of snowfall slamming Denver this winter.


2007: The hottest year ever?

Columbia University Center for Climate Systems Research Scientist Mark Chandler says that the accumulation of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere as well as a predicted El Nino could make 2007 the hottest year on record. He speaks to us from Madison, Wisconsin, where the lakes might go unfrozen in winter for the first time on record. LISTEN (6 min)

lce Collapse in the Arctic

Last week, as we sipped on cups of cider with family and friends, an ice shelf the size of Manhattan fell into the sea off of Northern Canada. Being that ice shelves, once fallen, tend not to hop back up and reattach themselves, we were left fretting over what such a fall portends. Luke Copland, a bonafide Glaciologist at the University of Ottawa, stopped by to tell us. LISTEN (7 min)


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