Category Archives: climate change

Rick Piltz and

Former Scientist with the US Climate Change Science Program Rick Piltz tells Betsy about leaving his post after a decade in of public service due to his refusal to work under the Bush Administration’s definitions of "science." He now runs, a site dedicated to keeping tabs on how our government handles the science of climate change. LISTEN (12 min)

Also, see Rick in the new film Everything’s Cool, which premiered this week at the Sundance Film Festival.

Sherry Boschert: Plug-In Hybrids!

In Plug-In Hybrids: The Cars that Will Recharge America Sherry Boschert chronicles the coming together of Americans of all political stripes, from "left greenies" like herself to neoconservative hawks like James Woolsey, to call for 100mpg (100mpg!) Plug-In Hybrids as a solution to our environmental, energy, national security, and pocketbook problems. Let’s do it! LISTEN (12 min)

Congress’ First 100 Hours and Global Warming

Even if it’s just political football, it is refreshing for environmental and energy issues to be in play as the 110th Congress wraps up its first 100 hours. Jeremy Symons, Manager of the Climate Change Program for the National WIldlife Federation, chats with Betsy about Thursday’s big Congressional vote to make Big Oil pay taxes like other Americans.

They also review the ambitious McCain/Lieberman/Obama bill to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2% every year. That’s exciting– but can it pass? You’d almost think those guys were running for president or something…..

PART 1 (11 min) PART 2 (7 min)

Sign this petition asking Congress to end
the billions of dollars of tax giveaways to big multinational oil
companies and invest this money in clean renewable energy.

Read Larry’s blog

Joseph Romm: Hell and High Water and What We Should Do

Hell Joseph Romm, former Assistant Secretary at the US Department of Energy under President Clinton and current Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, shares with Betsy his three big picture solutions to global warming,
looks back at the environmental legacy of the Clinton/Gore
administration, and shares his insights on the legacy of the sitting
(duck) presidential administration: "They only like technology that
doesn’t exist." His new book is Hell and High Water: Global Warming– and What We Should Do.

LISTEN (12 min)  Read his blog

Drunken Trees and Climate Change in Alaska

Over her lifetime Laurie Fickus has seen her community in Fairbanks physically transformed by the thawing permafrost and "drunken trees" that have become the signature features of climate change in Alaska. She shared her firsthand account with Betsy as they attended "Al Gore U." in Tennessee last week. LISTEN (8 min)


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