Author Archives: William Craven

Megan Matson and the Mainstream Moms Organize or Bust

Mainstreet Moms: Organize or Bust
founder Megan Matson tells Betsy about the legacy today’s Moms will leave for their children, and the slight name change they made in order to look ahead, while focusing less on that guy in the White House: LISTEN (11 min)

Sierra Club Climate’s Exchange with Al Gore

Sierra Club
Executive Director Carl Pope (pictured right) tells us how the roundtable discussion last week with Al Gore, Senator Barabara Boxer, venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, and Duke Energy Chairman and CEO Paul Anderson came about, and the surprising, exciting things that they all agreed on: "These are the people wrestling with the reality of how we’re going to lick global warming." LISTEN (7 min)

Grist: Fill’er Up

Grist Magazine, the best eco-journalism on the web, just got done with a whopping two-week, 34-part series on Biofuels, and the editor of this groundbreaking piece of work, Tom Philpott, stops by to give us the highlights before he runs out of gas. LISTEN (12 min)

Joel Makower’s Wal-Mart Obsession

When’s Joel Makower is hot to talk about something, you know that you’re about to hear a thoughtful analysis of global green business trends. When we invited Joel over to the studio last week, what did he tell us? "I’ve become fascinated with Wal-Mart. The conversations taking place in Bentonville, Arkansas right now are like none I’ve ever heard before." LISTEN (8 min)

Environmental Impact Statements Cut from U.S. National Forest Plans

Trees_4 Tim Preso, attorney for EarthJustice— "because the Earth needs a good lawyer"– tells Betsy how the US National Forest Service has decided to do away with all environmental review for projects– road paving and logging included– in our National Forests. "What we’ve seen over and over again is that this White House is very hostile to the process of environmental review and disclosure. This is just the latest in a series." LISTEN (11 min)


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