Author Archives: William Craven

Ed Mazria & the 2030 Challenge

Architect Ed Mazria of Mazria Odems Dzurec says that now is the most important moment in the history of building, construction, and architecture, and that only if that sector meets his 2030 Challenge will we stand any chance at a sustainable society in general: "We are the problem, and we are the solution." LISTEN (11 min)

A Farewell to Pombo, and a Poem for Winter.

Winter NRDC‘s Daniel Hinerfeld and Andrew Wetzler say goodbye to outgoing Rep. Richard Pombo, "the single greatest threat to biodiversity in America."
LISTEN (7 min)
Also, a poem to mark today Winter Solstice, "Mockingbird at Winter Solstice" by Eamon Grennan from the Winter Issue of OnEarth.
Picture of Winter Solstice by Sigurd Towrie

Mockingbird At Winter Solstice

What a small many-greyed grapple of agitation
the mockingbird is, jittery on a thin branch
covered in berries but leafless, keeping one eye
and then the other on me, shifting its position,
unsettled by what my next move might be.

But at the opposite solstice this bird’s songs
are the life of leaves in which he’s an invisible singer,
sending melody after melody abroad, sweetening
space — even after midnight — with mimic music,
making the dark itself less dreadful, building

a nest of notes to feel at home in, though it must
be hard with so much to say, so many tunes
swirling through the honeycomb of its bones,
edging out of the white furnace of every feather
to swell its lone throat, setting its voice-box on fire.

— Eamon Grennan

Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen

Fake food fills our increasingly laboratory-like supermarkets, the word "organic" could be compromised by companies in search of the latest high-end marketing tag, you’re working later and later every night, and all you want to do is cook good food, eat good food, and listen to good tunes while you’re doing it. Well thank god for Anna Lappé, Bryant Terry, and their cool new cookbook Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen. LISTEN (12 min)

Why doesn’t the EPA protect us from Mercury pollution?

EarthJustice Attorney Jim Pew has won two court orders from the EPA to act to protect us from cement-industry created Mercury pollution, but hasn’t seen any results yet: "If we knew more about how much mercury they’re putting out, the picture would be even bleaker." LISTEN (8 min)

Climate Change Roadmap for New England

Environment Northeast has just released a roadmap for six NorthEastern States and five Canadian Provinces to reduce carbon emissions a whopping 75% by 2050. EN’s Executive Director Daniel Sosland breaks down the ambitious plan with Betsy.
LISTEN (11 min)


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