Author Archives: William Craven

Joel Makower on Dell Computers

Joel Makower of sits down with Betsy to chat about Michael Dell’s emerging ‘green gene’, and the ‘race to the top’ that many of the world’s largest computer companies are engaged in. He also champions the E-Peat Green Computer Standards. LISTEN (12 min)

Melissa Holbrook Pierson: The Place You Love is Gone

Author Melissa Holbrook Pierson laments the disappearance of a magical place called "the woods" from our children’s lives, and "the fetishization of personal property." Her book, new in paperback, is titled The Place You Love is Gone. LISTEN (8 min)

Bill McKibben: Step It Up 2007

Leading environmental thinker Bill McKibben calls in from Sundance and urges us all to get involved in Step It Up 2007, a call to every one of us to organize climate change rallies in our own communities (and in our own styles!) on April 14th. April Power will launch a Spring flowering of creative solutions and united optimism in the face of Climate Change. Bill also talks about his new book Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future due out in March.
PART 1 (11 min) PART 2 (7 min)

Catch Bill in the new film Everything’s Cool, which had its premiere this week at the Sundance Film Festival.


Rick Piltz and

Former Scientist with the US Climate Change Science Program Rick Piltz tells Betsy about leaving his post after a decade in of public service due to his refusal to work under the Bush Administration’s definitions of "science." He now runs, a site dedicated to keeping tabs on how our government handles the science of climate change. LISTEN (12 min)

Also, see Rick in the new film Everything’s Cool, which premiered this week at the Sundance Film Festival.

NRDC tours First Platinum Leed Home!

10NRDC‘s Daniel Hinerfeld tours the house of our dreams: the first home given a Platinum rating by the US Green Building Council. It’s a Zero Energy, Zero Water, Zero Waste, Zero Carbon, Zero Emissions residence. Wow. LISTEN (8 min)


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