Tag Archives: simran sethi

Treehugger: Earth Day Hangover Edition

Thradio368Treehugger Correspondent Simran Sethi
bring us Grist Magazine’s irreverent awards for everything from the least newsworthy environmental acts to the greenest nudie model (why oh why do I work in radio?). She also takes us to the glitzy, greenish, but still somewhat ominous Shanghai Auto show, and tells us the dollar value of New York City’s trees. LISTEN (8 min)

Simran Sethi of Treehugger

Treehugger Correspondent Simran Sethi chats with Betsy about Oprah, the Sundance Channel’s "The Green", and being the new, fresh face of Green Media: "There’s a lot of things that you and I both know, but the reality is that for most Americans it’s still a lightbulb moment to realize how inefficient incandescents are." LISTEN (9 min)

Treehugger: Eco America’s Bob Perkowitz

Thradio368Treehugger Correspondent Simran Sethi
(who appeared on Oprah again today– cool! ) interviews Eco America‘s Bob Perkowitz about what’s wrong with how Environmental Groups are marketing the Environment, tailoring the message for a United States that contains multitudes, and environmentalism as a faith-based initiative. LISTEN (12 min)

Treehugger Radio

Thradio368Treehugger Correspondent Simran Sethi
brings us students who are taking cooking grease from the fryer to the fuel tank, the EPA from denial to the unavoidably obvious, and a Spanish island gunning for 100% renewable power. LISTEN (10 min)

Treehugger & Ed Begley Jr.

Thradio368Treehugger Correspondent Simran Sethi
chats with noted actor and green lover of life Ed Begley Jr. about mixing business (Hollywood) with pleasure (living on a clean planet), living rather than preaching the message, and learning to love the outdoors as a Boy Scout. LISTEN (9 min)


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