Tag Archives: jerome ringo

Jerome Ringo at the first day of a new Congress

Apollo Alliance President Jerome Ringo returns to cover the swearing in of Congress, including the conversations he had with Hillary Clinton and Homeland Security chair Benny Thompson. Naturally, for someone who heads a group named after the moon mission, Jerome is very optimistic that this Congress will act decisively on energy policy, land conservation, and sensible pollution controls. LISTEN (11 min)

US reliance on OPEC reaches 15-year high

Apparently, no one can find any reasons not to buy tons of oil from OPEC. No strings attached whatsoever! But seriously folks, as US reliance on OPEC’s "black gold" reaches a 15-year high, Jerome Ringo, President of the Apollo Alliance, breaks down their ten point plan to break our addiction to oil. LISTEN (11 min)

Image: Climate Change Poster Art


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