Tag Archives: ecotalk

Drunken Trees and Climate Change in Alaska

Over her lifetime Laurie Fickus has seen her community in Fairbanks physically transformed by the thawing permafrost and "drunken trees" that have become the signature features of climate change in Alaska. She shared her firsthand account with Betsy as they attended "Al Gore U." in Tennessee last week. LISTEN (8 min)

Jerome Ringo at the first day of a new Congress

Apollo Alliance President Jerome Ringo returns to cover the swearing in of Congress, including the conversations he had with Hillary Clinton and Homeland Security chair Benny Thompson. Naturally, for someone who heads a group named after the moon mission, Jerome is very optimistic that this Congress will act decisively on energy policy, land conservation, and sensible pollution controls. LISTEN (11 min)

Larry Schweiger goes to Washington, too

Larry Schweiger, President  and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation, tells us his thoughts and observations as a new and potential-rich Congress is sworn in. He also discusses the possibility that Pelosi and Co. will roll back counterproductive tax breaks and subsidies for big oil (subsidies contribute to the destruction of our grandchildren’s future with their money, he says), delves into the motivations that brought him back to the National WIldlife Federation, and the grandchild who keeps his eye focused on the goal of a sustainable world for him to flourish in.

PART ONE (7 min) PART TWO (10 min)

Diaper-Free Baby

Diaperfree Bond with your child, Save 9,000 Disposable Diapers!
Christine Gross-Lo, author of The Diaper-Free Baby, suggests that raising a diaperless baby  is not an inevitable caatstrophe for your house, and that we can develop a bond with our children, using the tried and true techniques of "elimination communication" perfected in East Asia. "This is a practice that encourages parents to tune into all the subtle things that your child is telling you nonverbally, so that you can understand your child better, and she can learn to trust that you are there to meet her needs." LISTEN

Cruise Pollution

A single cruise ship generates as much air pollution as 12,000 cars. One cruise ship of 3,000 guests and crew also plow through 11 tons of garbage per day. And 23 gallons of toxic waste. And 270,000 gallons of bacteria-contaminated graywater. Shall I keep going? No, better to let Gershon Cohen of the Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters tell you, because he is not only an authority on the cruise industry but is also armed with workable solutions to this Titanic-sized problem, such as Alaska’s successful state ballot initiative that demanded that Cruise Ships play by the same rules as everyone else. LISTEN (11 min)

picture : Oceana


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