Category Archives: Uncategorized

Patient Capital for a Sustainable Future

Patient Capital for a Sustainable Future is a conference that will take place in San Francisco on May 10/12.  Co-Organizer Woody Tasch, CEO of Investors Circle explains the concept of "slow money" and how since 1992 IC has invested over $100 million in 163 companies.
LISTEN(11 min)

Recycled Glass

Miranda Magagnini is CoCEO of IceStone a company making gorgeous (and greener)
alternatives to granite and marble from recycled glass.
LISTEN (7 min)

Surfing Attorney

Mark Massara
the California Coastal Attorney for the Sierra Club tells how a love of surfing led him to ride the green wave and work tirelessly to preserve our coasts
and ocean habitat. Learn what motivates this mild-mannered surfer dude
to take on the likes of Clint Eastwood and other would-be oceanfront
LISTEN part 1 (12 min)  part 2 (7 min)

You can also see your favorite spot of the California Coast on

Photo of Mark Massara courtesy Davis Barber.

Vanity Green

Contributing Editor Michael Shnayerson talks about this first green issue. LISTEN (11 min)

Clean Air and Lawn Mowers

Frank O’Donnell, President of Clear Air Watch talks about having cleaner lawn mowers and how the new regulation is blocked by Senator Kit Bond. Listen (7 min) and read the blog for clean air


Broadcast Archives
