Category Archives: trees

ForestEthics & Victoria’s Secret Reach Agreement

"Victoria’s Dirty Secret" has been cleaned up as Victoria’s Secret agrees to produce catalogs that do not come from endangered forests, that use more recycled content, and that are the product of sustainable logging practices. ForestEthics Paper Campaign Director Dan Howells stops by to celebrate a big victory for Victoria’s Secret, ForestEthics, women who like lingerie, and men who, um, like catalogs. LISTEN (10 min)

Wells Fargo and Mountain Top Removal

Scott Parkin of Rainforest Action Network says that there is a bombing campaign right here in the United States, as the people of West Virginia lose their habitat and culture to mountaintop mining. Just one of the many things that may be wrong with Wells Fargo.

LISTEN (11 min) and WATCH

Daniel Nepstad about Amazonian Droughts.

Daniel Nepstad from the Woods Hole Research
gives us the latest update on Amazonian droughts and how
far North
they may spread. LISTEN (12 min)

This is a rerun of our August 5 show

Victoria’s Dirty Secret

Victoriasecrets As bare as the models in a Victoria’s Secret catalog are, they’re not as bare as the virgin forests used to quench Victoria’s Secret’s 1 million catalog a day appetite. Dan Howells of ForestEthics’ "Victoria’s Dirty Secret" campaign tells us how they’re applying the pressure.

LISTEN (7:50 min)

Destroying Precious Forests to Make Tissue

Darby Hoover coordinates NRDC’s campaigns to promote the use of recycled paper products by US colleges with a 3 ponged approach: paper procurement, use reduction and recycling. Destroying precious forests to produce disposable tissues is the reason for targeting Kimberly Klark and pressuring the pulp and paper industry to change its ways. LISTEN (8 min)

More inforrmation: A shopper’s guide to home tissue products, saving paper in schools


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