Category Archives: NRDC segment

Click Here to Create a Better World

This week NRDC OnEarth magazine senior editor Laura Wright and journalist Lisa Selin Davis bring us environmental activism in virtual space, or if you prefer, Massive. Multiplayer. Online. Roleplaying. Games. Got it? OK. But whereas most games of this sort allow you to behave violently in the most unthinkably violent civilizations, Second Life houses virtual ecosystems, clean water systems, and visions of post-global warming tragedy. While it is  a virtual pastime in a world of rather concrete problems, Second Life offers the opportunity to envision many of the various futures still available to us. LISTEN (7 min)

Deadly Sonar: The U.S. Navy’s Assault on Whales and Science

Sonarmain NRDC’s flagship magazine OnEarth features an article by Peter Canby on the Navy’s use of Sonar (widely accepted to be harmful and/or fatal to whales), and the Navy’s efforts to silence its (often authoritative, science-based) critics. Daniel Hinerfeld follows up on the article with NRDC Senior Policy Analyst Michael Jasny. LISTEN (7 min)
Picture: Ken Balcomb, Center for Whale Research

TXU Buyout Makes Utility Greener

Good news! NRDC’s Climate Center Director David Hawkins tells Betsy how the two private equity firms who are in talks to buy energy giant TXU wanted to talk to Environmental Defense and NRDC about how they could satisfy rising public opposition to proposed coal power plants in Texas.
This is a major victory for grassroots organizing, and the blueprint is clear: citizens make themselves heard in the streets, online, on the air, and in their state capitols; public opposition brings stock prices down; corporations are then forced to meet environmental groups at the bargaining table. Americans, you helped save the air you breathe! LISTEN (11 min)

Green Awards

Congratulations. Every single one of you who saw the movie and were moved by the movie, made "An Inconvenient Truth" simply too influential for the Academy to ignore. NRDC’s Allen Hershkowitz gives props to Al, the producers, and the Academy itself, which did about a thousand little things to green this year’s awards. Yay! LISTEN (7 min)

Frances Beinecke about California

NRDC President Frances Beinecke talks with Phil Gutis about her recent trip to California.
LISTEN (7 min)


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