Category Archives: green building

Charles Lockwood and Green Building

Environmental and Real Estate Consultant Charles Lockwood shares with Betsy both the broad trends and nuanced particulars of the Green Building movement, and the influential municipalities across the United States that are the early-adopters of what will become the future of construction. LISTEN (12 min)

Eric Corey Freed: Organic Architecture

Eric Corey Freed tells us why he’s an Organic Architect and says that with buildings among the worst environmental offenders, we can no longer ignore the obvious: the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, there is no business case for building with toxic materials, and we shouldn’t be green because it’s hip or because we feel guilty: we should do it because it’s logical. LISTEN (11 min)

His blog

Green Building Conference

Donald Simon, West Coast Green building conference co-host and member of West Coast Green’s advisory board, says that Green Building is an idea whose time has come, and it is increasingly cost neutral.
LISTEN (7 min)

Picture: Community Greenhouse


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