Category Archives: Endangered Species

200 Chefs rally to Save our Delicious Food

Care about Wild Salmon’s future? Grab a fork and eat one. So says renowned chef Alice Waters and the 200 chefs nationwide who are asking Congress to protect wild salmon habitats, and the delicious, natural nourishment that sustains mammals like us. Greg Higgins, Chef and Owner of Higgins’ Restaurant and Bar in Portland, Oregon tells Betsy about the Chefs who will be banging their pots on Capitol Hill next week, so that you can eat the good stuff. LISTEN (9 min)

Interior Department Official: I’d rather resign than testify

The Bush Administration has been a bit skittish about peddling their weird science on Capitol Hill since the Democrats have started asking the questions. This week, Julie MacDonald, a deputy assistant secretary who manipulated the work of federal scientists, resigned a week ahead of yet more Congressional hearings on the politicization of science. The Union of Concerned Scientists‘ Michael Halpern tells Betsy why this is good, but not good enough.
LISTEN (11 min)

picture of a white tailed praire dog she did not want to protect…

Michael Sunanda and the Secret Disappearance of Bees

Eco-Activist, Permaculture proponent, and publisher of Primal Instincts Magazine, Michael Sunanda tells Betsy what he’s pieced together about the mysterious disappearance of bee colonies in 25 states and three countries in Europe. With Bees pollinating flowers and fruit trees, the highly visible role they play in our ecosystem is undoubted. Are pesticides to blame for these ghost hives? Are organic bee farms similarly effected? LISTEN (8 min)

Cool The Planet, Save The Arctic

Alaska WIlderness League
Executive Director Cindy Shogan sits down with Betsy to urge all of us to stand up and be counted on March 20th in Washington, DC.  LISTEN (11 min)

Charles Clover: The End of the Line: How Overfishing is Changing the World and What We Eat

Daily Telegraph Environmental Editor Charles Clover joins us from London to discuss his comprehensive new book The End of the Line: How Overfishing is Changing the World and What We Eat.
LISTEN (12 min)


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