Category Archives: Earthjustice

Jim Pew, Attorney with EarthJustice

James-Pew  After a dozen years and four lawsuits the
EPA has finally set rules limiting how much
mercury and other toxins cement plants can release. Given that cement plants are among the top three biggest contributers to methylmercury emissions this a big deal development!

We talk with the attorney who led those lawsuits, Jim Pew, with Earthjustice.


Marty Hayden: The curious Omissions and Emissions of Bush’s SotU

EarthJustice VP of Policy and Legislation Marty Hayden muses on Bush’s big speech this week: "I think he sought to avoid Katrina, both in the context of climate change and social justice." LISTEN (11 min)

Why doesn’t the EPA protect us from Mercury pollution?

EarthJustice Attorney Jim Pew has won two court orders from the EPA to act to protect us from cement-industry created Mercury pollution, but hasn’t seen any results yet: "If we knew more about how much mercury they’re putting out, the picture would be even bleaker." LISTEN (8 min)

Environmental Impact Statements Cut from U.S. National Forest Plans

Trees_4 Tim Preso, attorney for EarthJustice— "because the Earth needs a good lawyer"– tells Betsy how the US National Forest Service has decided to do away with all environmental review for projects– road paving and logging included– in our National Forests. "What we’ve seen over and over again is that this White House is very hostile to the process of environmental review and disclosure. This is just the latest in a series." LISTEN (11 min)

Earthjustice Elections Wrap-up

Marty Hayden
, VP of Policy and Legislation at Earthjustice, offers a nuanced and insightful view of what the recent mid-terms will and will not bring our good green Earth. "I think we’ll see the President veto more than one bill, for starters." LISTEN (8 min)


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