Category Archives: children

Stop Polluting Our Children

PVC Campaign Coordinator for the Center for Health and Environmental Justice, Mike Schade returns to tell us how states are acting to protect their little citizens from toys, bottles and pacifiers that contain toxic chemicals Phthalates and Bisphenol A. But state legislatures need your public support to pass laws against these chemicals, which amount to, as Mike says, "toxic lollipops." LISTEN (8 min)

Richard Louv: No Child Left Indoors

Richard Louv is Director of the Children & Nature Network and author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving our children from Nature Deficit Disorder — a book that one of our guests cites as an influence on a weekly basis. Richard and Betsy talk about what we all risk by raising children who lack a connection with the outdoors, parents’ fears of the outdoor world, and also Louv’s upcoming activities in Washington, DC, including offering ideas on how to integrate nature education into the upcoming revisions to No Child Left Behind. LISTEN (12 min)


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