Sundance 2020’s Eye on Environment Films Views the Future Through a Rearview Mirror
On Medium February 11, 2020 Unlike Hollywood reporters on a deadline, I have the luxury of waiting a week or two before writing about films I’ve been fortunate to screen at Sundance. As an independent creator of media focused on environmental issues and climate content, I love attending what I call the “Altitude without Attitude” festival. The mood at Sundance is always light, with a party atmosphere, in sharp contrast to many of the docs, which tend to be about ...

A Handful of Excellent Environmental Films but None with the Full Urgency of Now
On Medium.com February 15, 2019 This was my third time attending the Sundance Film Festival and the second year there were no marquee level movies about our embattled environment, but there were some good ones. My first “dance” was in the wake of Donald Trump’s inauguration and included the Women’s March in a blizzard as frosty as the pall cast over a nation that was never expecting a climate doubter to win the White House. Marching with hundreds of ...

February Temp Records Melt After Leo DiCaprio “Warms Up” Oscars, Setting Twitter-sphere on Fire— So Where Do We Go From Here?
Earth’s temperature soared to a record high last month, nearly 1.5C degrees above average as measured by weather satellites. That’s a huge amount even in these record-breaking atmospheric times according to scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. To put that in perspective, a 1.5C degree rise is the line in the sand established at the Paris Accords as not to be exceed by 2100. As February broke new weather ground, the month ended with Leonardo DiCaprio’s long-anticipated Oscar ...

Cultivating Calm As the Shift Hits the Fan
To say we are living in turbulent times is to state the painfully obvious. The political landscape veers between frightening and farcical on a nearly daily, if not hourly, basis. As we reel from news of one act of terror to another horrific gun shooting and careen from extreme weather event to bracing for the latest sexual predator reveal, it is enough to make one want to hide under the covers and say “wake me up when it’s over.” However ...