• Betsy Rosenberg

     Environmental Talk Show Host and Producer

     News that matters to you



  • Betsy Rosenberg

     Environmental Talk Show Host and Producer

     News that matters to you



  • EarthX 2018

     Hosted Panel on Climate and Media

     Wake Up and Smell the Carbon



  •  “Thank you for what you’ve been doing all these years to raise awareness about the climate crisis. We need more of this!”

     Vice President Al Gore



  • Betsy Rosenberg

     Global Focus - Practical Solutions

     News that matters to you



  •   “Betsy and EcoTalk provide a valuable forum for exploring pressing environmental issues in a constructive way that can almost border on fun, while always proving illuminating”.

     Andrew Revkin, New York Times Correspondent



  • Betsy Rosenberg

     Speaker - Commentator - Moderator

     News that matters to you



  •  “You have been at the forefront of reporting on the environment longer than anyone. Thank you for your invaluable contributions in bringing attention to these issues!”

     Van Jones, CNN contributor, former advisor to President Obama, author of Green Collar Jobs



  • Betsy Rosenberg

    5000 Interviews With Leading Eco Innovators

    News that matters to you



  •  “Thanks, Betsy, for being so beautifully prepared, so incisive, so funny and fierce... You have a rare ability to bring ideas together cogently and clearly.”

     Kathleen Dean Moore, Author and Professor



Meet the Solutionaries with Betsy Rosenberg

Welcome Back!

It’s been a spell since I was posting my hundreds of radio programs on this website but you can be sure I‘ve not stopped covering the green beat in the interim! As many of you know, most recently I was doing interviews on GreenTV.com for my series Meet the Solutionaries, and am now bringing the program to BetsyRosenberg.com.

For those newer to my work as “A Woman on Emission” you might be surprised to learn how long I’ve been bringing the best and brightest eco-innovators to the public. On Earth Day 1997—28 years ago!-- I launched TrashTalk minutes on KCBS Radio and later hosted some 15-hundred radio shows on Air America and later on the internet. I’m proud to have recognized early the need to fill a green gap left by the news networks’ scant coverage of environmental news; the most important stories not getting covered!
Glad to now see the media, and world, catching up with the eco-evolution, which should be televised! It’s great to see many climate podcasts and online newsletters covering the green beat but there’s more critical and urgent stories impacting nature than any one entity can cover! Thanks to our dedicated group of volunteers, we will endeavor to bring you the most important and interesting thinkers and doers from science, politics, green business, clean tech, activism, the arts and more.
I will continue to share the knowledge and passion of the world’s most engaging Solutionaries who have all the wisdom we need to turn the eco-tide!

Producer | Radio Host

More than a decade of dynamic conversations with top environmental newsmakers


Betsy talks with Al Gore about An Inconvenient Truth


Bernie Sanders on legislative leadership for Climate Change


Top Climate Leader Bill McKibben on grassroots change


Scientist Katharine Hayhoe on her book Climate for Change


John Kerry and Theresa Heinz: This Moment on Earth


Dr. Jeffrey Sachs speaks about the economic cost of climate change



  • What people are saying about Betsy Rosenberg...

    Thank you for what you’ve been doing all these years to raise awareness about the climate crisis. We need more of this.

    Vice-President Al Gore (after an interview about An Inconvenient Truth in 2006)

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Quotes to Inspire

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”

— Chris Maser, Forest Primeval: The Natural History of an Ancient Forest

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