What do Americans really think about climate change? Renowned pollster John Zogby delivers the data from a survey sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation.
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Picture from Antarctic Connection
What do Americans really think about climate change? Renowned pollster John Zogby delivers the data from a survey sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation.
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Picture from Antarctic Connection
Frederic Scheer, CEO of Cereplast, explains what’s so bad about petroleum-based nonrecyclable plastic, how cities are banning styrofoam, and how his starch-based biodegradable plastics will make distant memories of both (well, as distant as they can be while we wait hundreds of years for them to biodegrade).
LISTEN (7 min)
Seth Zuckerman explains in Sierra Magazine about his Low Carbon Diet: From gas gluttony to fuel fitness in three weeks.
LISTEN (12 min)
EarthJustice Attorney Tim Preso joins us to celebrate the reinstatement of the Clinton-era Roadless Rule, which restricts road construction in National Parks. We’re sure you’ll miss the hum of traffic while enjoying the great outdoors. LISTEN (7:50 min)
Naomi Oreskes is an Associate Professor in the Department of History
and the Program in Science Studies at the University Of California San Diego. Her work was used in a Wall Street Journal article arguing that there is no consensus that global warming exists. The problem? Her work says just the opposite.
LISTEN (11 min.)