Author Archives: William Craven

Eric Corey Freed: Organic Architecture

Eric Corey Freed tells us why he’s an Organic Architect and says that with buildings among the worst environmental offenders, we can no longer ignore the obvious: the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, there is no business case for building with toxic materials, and we shouldn’t be green because it’s hip or because we feel guilty: we should do it because it’s logical. LISTEN (11 min)

His blog

Green Building Conference

Donald Simon, West Coast Green building conference co-host and member of West Coast Green’s advisory board, says that Green Building is an idea whose time has come, and it is increasingly cost neutral.
LISTEN (7 min)

Picture: Community Greenhouse

Kevin Danaher: How to Leave a Sustainable Planet for our Children

Global Exchange co-founder and advocate of ‘grassroots globalization’, Dr. Kevin Danaher says that in order not to leave ‘a burnt cinder of planet for our children’ we need to accelerate the process we are just now beginning.
LISTEN (12 min)

Gary Gerber: Solar Power Business is Heating Up.

Founder of Sun Light & Power Gary Gerber says that the Solar Power business is heating up.
LISTEN (7:50 min)

Picture: Contra Costa Times

David Gottfried: What is a Green Life?

Founder of the U.S. and World Green Building Councils, David Gottfried has been inspiring the world, one building at a time, to embrace his sustainable vision. A real estate developer, President of World Build, and the author of the book From Greed to Green: the transformation of an industry and a life, David Gottfried has thought long and far about what it means to lead a Green life. He shares his thoughts and his story with Betsy. LISTEN (18 min.)


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