Treehugger Correspondent Simran Sethi talks Turkey, the miles your Thanksgiving dinner travels from farm to family dinner table, and a sneak preview of next week’s Daryl Hannah interview.
LISTEN (8 min)
Treehugger Correspondent Simran Sethi talks Turkey, the miles your Thanksgiving dinner travels from farm to family dinner table, and a sneak preview of next week’s Daryl Hannah interview.
LISTEN (8 min)
Home Depot’s Vice President of Environmental Innovation Ron Jarvis talks about Home Depot’s Solar partnership with BP, their "Smart Home" at Duke University, and bringing environmental groups such as NRDC and Rainforest Action Network to the bargaining table: "If you have concerns coming from different interest groups, bring them in, sit down, and hear what the issues are."
PART 1 (11 min) PART 2 (7 min)
Gabriela Chavarria is heading the NRDC’s new Science Center, dedicated to the search for solutions
and hard facts, while serving as honest brokers between scientists, communities,
business and government. She tells Betsy about the Center’s spirit, priorities, and her own scientific passions. LISTEN (10 min)
Veteran Environmental Journalist Eugene Linden applies a compelling historical perspective to Climate Change in his new book, The Winds of Change: Climate, Weather, and the Destruction of Civilizations. He says, "Some of the harshest Environmental laws in history were back in the time of Hammurabi." LISTEN (10 min)
Journalist Julia Whitty broadly analyzes global unsustainability and what she says is its antidote, The 13th Tipping Point. There’s an equally compelling article of the same name in the current issue of Mother Jones Magazine.
PART 1 (11 min), PART 2 (8 min)