Author Archives: William Craven

Think Outside the Bottle

Is bottled water "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." Corporate Accountability International‘s Ashley Schaeffer tells Betsy that not only is the bottled water (owned by Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Nestle) nearly identical to the water in your sink, and not only are they somehow convincing us to pay as much for water as we do for oil, but the prevalence of bottled water contributes to the undermining of the concept of water as a universal human right. There are people all over the world who are already paying the price, and emerging global conflicts over water bode ill for the future.

To change course, and to reassert the primacy of water in the lives of every human on Earth, each one of us needs to start thinking outside the bottle. LISTEN (9 min)

Asian Pollution Affects Pacific Storms

As Betsy says, "More proof that we all live downstream." When it comes to pollution and environmental degradation, it’s often not so much what we bring on ourselves, its what we pass along to others. A new report out this week draws conclusive links between carbon emissions in China and India with intensifying storms in the Pacific North. Report co-author Renyi Zhang, a scientist at Texas A&M’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences says that storms are not necessarily becoming more plentiful in the Northwest, but that they are increasing in strength and intensity. LISTEN (11 min)


Green Entrepeneur Sunil Paul

At the recent Greentech Conference in San Francisco, Betsy had a buoyant chat with Silicon Valley mover and shaker Sunil Paul. Sunil is known for putting his money where his mouth is, and going by what he says here, the future for Green (energy!) technology is bright indeed. LISTEN (7 min)

Harm de Blij: Why Geography Matters

As Michigan State Professor Harm de Blij tells Betsy in this fascinating interview, "Geography is the only science that combines analysis of natural environments in the context of human society." So why have Americans become so ignorant of Geography, just at the moment when the Earth and its problems are ever more inter-related? Professor de Blij’s new book, Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America: Climate Change, the Rise of China, and Global Terrorism, answers, and guides us forward. LISTEN (12 min)

Stop Polluting Our Children

PVC Campaign Coordinator for the Center for Health and Environmental Justice, Mike Schade returns to tell us how states are acting to protect their little citizens from toys, bottles and pacifiers that contain toxic chemicals Phthalates and Bisphenol A. But state legislatures need your public support to pass laws against these chemicals, which amount to, as Mike says, "toxic lollipops." LISTEN (8 min)


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