Author Archives: William Craven

Treehugger: Parsing Gore, Praying for Rain, Saving Skiing, and “The Happening”

Thradio368Treehugger Correspondent Simran Sethi looks at allegations that An Inconvenient Truth oversold the threat of climate change, how the environment offers common ground upon which all faiths can pray, the fate all winter recreation, and finally, the new movie "The Happening", a sort of ‘two days after tomorrow’.
LISTEN (8 min)


Al Gore Before Congress

GorecongressCenter for American Progress Senior Fellow (and author of Hell and High Water) Joseph Romm tells Betsy how impressed he was by Al Gore’s performance before the House and the Senate Wednesday. In many ways Gore’s testimony was like a sequel to An Inconvenient Truth— You wanted solutions? Gore gave Congress ten, from mundane to brand-spanking new. Imagine if this guy had been president. LISTEN (11 min)

See Al on YouTube as mentioned on Joseph’s blog.

Bill McKibben: Step It Up 07!

Bill McKibben stops by EcoTalk’s Green Street studio to tell Betsy about his new book Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future and urges you to Step It Up in your own unqiue way as part of the Step It Up global gathering on April 14th. You’ve got about three weeks to read up on how others are stepping it up, and to think about the coolest way possible you can open the public’s eyes to climate change. PART ONE (7 min) PART TWO (12 min)
Picture courtesy Grist

Bob Tarte & Fowl Weather

Bob Tarte
tells Betsy all about the trials, tribulations, and simple pleasures of living amongst, <gulp>, nearly 40 animals, all catalogued in his new book Fowl Weather: How thirty-nine animals and one sock monkey took over my life. Warning: You might not want to try this at home. Or, at least consult your significant other before doing anything rash! LISTEN (8 min)

Climate Change on Capitol Hill

Adam Kolton, Senior Director of Congressional Affairs for the National WIldlife Federation tells Betsy about the rallies that bolstered a big week for climate change on Capitol Hill: "There’s an expectation that Congress start to get things done. Bills need to start passing in one chamber or another." LISTEN (11 min)


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