Tag Archives: on the green front

Roz Savage: solo ocean rower

Roz_savage Solo ocean rower, Roz Savage is
about to launch the 2nd leg of a trans-pacific row. She already
has a few astonishing crossings under her belt and it’s all to raise
awareness about the impact of climate change and plastic pollution. LISTEN (11 min)

Stanley Selengut about the Maho Bay Club

Stanley Selengut-crop-big The grandad of green resorts, Stanley Selengut is joining us to talk about one of
America’s first eco destination resorts, the Maho Bay Club in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  
Learn why this environmental showcase property is St. John’s biggest moneymaker.

LISTEN (11 min)

Marci Zaroff, CEO and Founder of Under The Canopy

Marci Zaroff
, CEO and Founder of Under The Canopy, tells how she helped launch the eco-fashion movement. LISTEN (10 min)

Zem Joaquin, CEO and founder of Eco-Fabulous

Zem Joaquin,
CEO and founder of Eco-Fabulous and author of Zem’s List talks about the latest in sustainable style. LISTEN (21 min)


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