Category Archives: Earthjustice

Unethical Testing of Humans is Wrong

Jan Hasselman
staff attorney with Earthjustice in Seattle talks about the lawsuit filed against the EPA. Pesticide companies should not be allowed to take advantage of
vulnerable populations by enticing people to serve as human laboratory
“EPA’s rule ignores Congress and allows unethical human tests to be used to weaken pesticide regulations.”
The lawsuits were filed simultaneously in New York City and in San Francisco by Pesticide Action Network North America, Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del
(Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United), San Francisco
Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility
, and Natural Resources
Defense Council
. They are represented by attorneys with Earthjustice
and NRDC. LISTEN (7 min)

Earthjustice Protecting the wolverines and the Endangered Species Act

Wolverine We are welcoming Earthjustice as an EcoTalk environmental partner.
In this first segment, Earthjustice advocate Tim Preso, joins us to share what’s wrong with the wolverine population. He explains why your help is needed -now- to save the Endangered
Species Act: contact your representatives. Listen (7 min)


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