Category Archives: climate change

Oil Vey

AndrewrevkinSo just what WAS accomplished at the U.N. Climate Change conference in Montreal?
We’ll find out from New York Times environment reporter, Andrew RevkinAndy also lends his voice and musical talent (who knew?) to this week’s theme s
song…Liberated Carbon…by his band Uncle WadeListen (11 min)


Paulrogers_1Paul Rogers, science reporter for the San Jose Mercury News, will join us for an update on what California is doing to combat global warming while the Bush administration fiddles away.  Listen (7 min)


DanielrepstadIn our second half
we’ll hear  Daniel
,  senior scientist at the Woods Hole Research Center and
founder of the Amazon
Institute of Ecological Research in Brazil, will join us to talk about a devastating drought unfolding in the Brazilian
rainforest, most likely the result of climate disruption.  Listen (12 min)


Jerome_ringoLast, but not least, Jerome Ringo, new president of the Apollo Alliance ,
will weigh in on this week’s announcement by the Energy Department that
the price of oil will continue to rise steadily (surprise!) and so the
U.S. must turn to "renewables, like coal and nuclear". Oy to the worldListen (7 min)

Kyoto protocol, protests and cow poop

Climateactionnow1We’ll go back to Montreal for an update on the climate change conference, wrapping up this week. David Doniger, policy director for the NRDC’s climate center
will join us with his observations of the proceedings.

LISTEN (9 min)

PumpdeadendWe’ll also get a
report on the other part of the climate conference story – worldwide
protests against global warming inaction held last weekend but you’d
never know it from the meanstream media.
We’ll speak with Jonathan Neele in London,
a key organizer of the protests, about why this is just the first of
many global actions to come.

LISTEN (7 min)

Globalwarming1AllendusaultOne way to get off the fossil fuels that
are causing climate extremes is to use biofuels. We’ll speak with Allen Dusault, with Sustainable Conservation
about the most promising renewables, including cow gas!
LISTEN (12 min)

BlechmanplatdujourAnd speaking
of gas – if you want to lower your utility bills this winter, consider
a tankless water heater…we’ll hear about the cost and conservation
benefits of hot water on demand from Dan Moffroit, with Bosch.

LISTEN (8 min)

This devilish image is by R.O. Blechman

All illustrations are courtesy of the virtual exhibition of the Climate Action Network Canada and the Art Directors Club of New York.
They also offer a video (if you have the system to run it).

LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)

Climate Mash

Just in time for Halloween – and these ARE scary times – we’ll debut "The Climate Mash", a scathing version of  Bobby Puckett’s classic, The Monster Mash…global warming has burned him out of retirement to record the song, complete with hysterical graphics (at We’ll talk to Angela Ledford, executive director of Clear The Air, which has a campaign to go along with the song. We’ll also check in with two  experts to learn what yet another killer storm portends for the future –Jerome Ringo, with The National Wildlife Federation, was a flood victim in Louisiana only to get hit by Wilma while in Florida for a talk. Peter Webster is a professor at Georgia Tech who says batten down the hatches for more warming fueled weather. Nell Newman will join us to talk about why Newman’s Own Organics is pushing fair trade coffee and Scott Silver with Wild Wilderness will tell us why national parks are under siege from a relentless administration and what you can do about it. Last, but not least, Daniel Hinerfeld will check in with a report on why the NRDC is suing the Navy over sonar… LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)

AngelaledfordAngela Ledford, campaign director of Clear the Air , the national campaign againt dirty power that just produced the climate mash video.

LISTEN (11 min)


JeromeringoJerome Ringo, chairman of the board of directors for
the National Wildlife Federation;

LISTEN (3 min)


Peterwebster_1Peter Webster, professor at Georgia Tech

LISTEN (3 min)



NellnewmanNell Newman, president and founder of Newman’s Own

LISTEN (6 min)



ScottsilverScott Silver, executive director of Wild Wilderness;

LISTEN (7 min)

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BleedingporpoiseThe NRDC segment is devoted to the lawsuit filed against the US Navy about their high intensity sonar exercises. We’ll hear part of the film narrated by Pierce Brosnan about those underwater noises.

HumpbackExperts explain why they produce masswhale mortality and the precaution the Navy should take to protect marine mammals. Speak out with NRDC’s Earth Action Center.
The interviews for this segment are  by Daniel Hinerfeld.  LISTEN (4 min)

Global warming and you

With Wilma taking aim at the Florida coast and the hurricane center quickly running out of names we’ll speak with global warming guru Ross Gelbspan about "Katrina’s True Name". The author, journalist and lecturer tells us why we should prepare for more extreme weather. We’ll also be chatting with Laurie David, eco-activist and wife of Curb Your Enthusiasm’s Larry David. Laurie discusses why she’s so enthusiastic about curbing global warming as is Steve Cochran, with Environmental Defense’s Undo It campaign. We’ll also hear why a change in the climate is impacting trout habitat in Montana – and what it means to you – from NRDC’s George Black.

Rossgelbspan_2 Ross Gelbspan Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of Boiling point (just published in paperback).
Listen to the first part of the interview (11 min)
Listen to the second part of the interview (7 minutes)

More info on (the people’s ratification).

We’ll also hear parts of the song Change in the climate by Sharon Abreu

Ed_cochranSteve Cochran, Director of Strategic Communications for Environmental Defense Fund

about their global warming undoit campaign.

Listen (4 min)




Lauriedavid_1 Laurie David Founder and active promoter of the virtual march

Listen (7 min)





Montana2 NRDC‘s magazine OnEarth explores the impact of global warming on trout habitat in Montana: how anglers and environmentalists join forces. George Black is articles Editor for OnEarth and his last book is The Trout Paradox. Listen (7 min)

NRDC also join forces with EcoTalk via a special partnership.

We wish  and hope other groups join us to promote and produce more radiobroadcasts about key environmental issues.

LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)

G8 summit

0_michael_dorsey0anotehrworldispossibleThis week-end we look at the G-8 interrupted and how the London tragedy has once again knocked
the environment off the agenda. We’ll speak first with 
Michael Dorsey, a professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth and former
Sierra Club Director who held a "G-8 Alternative" conference (see the pictures). LISTEN (18 min)

0soulof_environmentalism_20michel_vertical_505_1Our second guest is  Michel Gelobter, Executive Director of Redefining Progress, a
leading think tank in Oakland and DC focused on sustainable economic and environmental solutions.
Both our guests are co-authors of The soul of environmentalism.  LISTEN (19 min)

If you want to LISTEN to the whole program (38 min)


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