Category Archives: climate change

Dear Arnold, Accelerate Climate Action

Berkeley economist
Michael Hanemann
talks about the letter that 43 top economists sent to
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger calling for action to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. The economists titled the letter “The Most
Expensive thing We Can Do is Nothing.”

LISTEN (7 min)

picture NRDC

Go and See An Inconvenient Truth!

Goreearth2 NRDC’s Daniel Hinerfeld presents An Inconvenient Truth with Al Gore and co-producer Laurie David. LISTEN (8 min)
More up to date information in the blog. You can also read the book.

Alaska Conservation Solutions

Deborah Williams,
President of Alaska Conservation Solutions explains the role Alaska can
play to make people understand that global warming is real and
"something must be done". She quotes the report by the climate group, "Carbon down, profits up" that shows reducing global warming is good for business. LISTEN (7:50 min)

Global Warming: Be Worried


Jeffrey Kluger wrote the cover story in TIME Magazine: Global warming, be worried, be very worried. Read and LISTEN (11 min)

Global warming is a biblical issue

Jim Wallis, Editor in Chief of Sojourners Magazine and author of God’s Politics talks about the Evangelical Climate Change Initiative and how Evangelical leaders are calling for action in defiance of the Bush administration policies.
LISTEN  Part 1 (11 min)  Part 2  (7 min)


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