Category Archives: 2011

Lydia Kindheart: Champion of the raw vegan movement

Lydiak Let us serve up some raw food to go with that green tea. Lydia Kindheart, a champion of the raw, vegan movement joins me to wax enthusiastic about the planet-loving pleasures of a plant based diet – or as I like to call it – the "live-it"!


Elizabeth Kolbert: SOTU and The Sixth Extinction

Elizabeth kolbert Award-winning environmental journalist, Elizabeth Kolbert of the New Yorker magazine, discusses the President's SOTU address and speculates on why neither the word 'climate' nor 'carbon' were mentioned. Elizabeth talks about her latest book The Sixth Extinction, five years after her groundbreaking book, "Field Notes
From A Catastrophe


Kathleen Kirkwood: The Bra Recycling Agency

Kathleen-Kirkwood Kathleen Kirkwood, Founder of BRA, the Bra Recycling Agency tells us why women should not burn their bras, or throw them into the landfill. She explains how to recycle them instead and why recycled bras may be in the red carpet at this year's Oscars. The envelope please?


J.P. TAYLOR: Turn It Around

Turn It Around, by J.P. Taylor, is the theme song of The Green Front. J.P. is a song writer, singer and Eco-Crusader on a musical mission to protect the planet.

Today we air a rerun of the November 17 program with Kelly Coleman and Pr. John Abraham.

Optimum Health Institute: Kirsten Schulz

Schulz headshot This week The Green Front comes to you from San Diego where I am attending a week long retreat at the Optimum Health Institute.
The program is a raw food/juice cleanse detox with daily colonics. The curriculum is based on the transformative health benefits of eating a plant-based diet and incorporating mental and emotional detoxification methods.
We'll meet two OHI "missionaries" who have seemingly  healed themselves of Stage 4 cancer. Kirsten Schulz is a 42 year-old psychologist whose doctors said chemo was her only chance of living. But she came here instead.
Her breast tumor had spread to other organs but after several months on this program it has gone back into her breast only and on the way out of her body, Kirsten is convinced.  



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