Frances Moore Lappé, the best-selling author of Diet For A Small Planet, Hope’s Edge and most recently Getting A Grip 2 shares what inspires her in dark times to preserve, prevail and prosper!
Frances Moore Lappé, the best-selling author of Diet For A Small Planet, Hope’s Edge and most recently Getting A Grip 2 shares what inspires her in dark times to preserve, prevail and prosper!
Joseph Romm of The Center for American Progress writes the blog Climate Progress. He joined me to discuss his riveting talk at Al Gore’s Climate Conference this weekend. Joe tells it likes it is, Come Hell Or High Water, which happens to be the name of one of his books – check it out
Link to Winston Churchill's The Scaffolding of Rethoric mentioned in the interview.
As the worsening ‘sp-oiler’ (oil plus spill) catastrophe continues to unfold in the Gulf, Gillian Caldwell, Campaign Director for 1Sky, joins us with her views on the continuing disaster, as well as Obama’s speech, pending climate legislation, and this weekend’s action “Hands Across The Sand” and how you can participate in the event.
Ted Glick, Policy Director for Chesapeake Climate Action Network talks about his recent arrest and conviction for civil disobedience on pending global warming legislation.