Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Karen Roberts and Paul Loeb

Our guests today are:
A_karen_robertsKaren Roberts, author of Passions and Patience: fostering Earth’s future through unlikely partnership

A_paulloebsmallPaul Loeb, author of The impossible will take a little while: a citizen’s guide to hope in a time of fear


Incineration’s dangers, Global warming and the pole

Our guest today is:     
A_connettPaul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at Saint Lawrence University, NY
Paul is an advocate of zero waste and an opponent of incineration.


The zero waste movement, part II

September 5        
Stories from abroad, Australia, Wales, the Philippines…Listen

Do you know where your garbage is? The zero waste movement

Our guests today are:
Mike Papparian, California Integrated Waste Management Board
Neil Seldman, Institute for Local Self Reliance
A_resa_dimino_tinyResa Dimino, Grassroots recycling Network

Documentaries and Mockumentaries

Our guests today are:
John Grimes, Producer of There is something about W
Mark Achbar, producer of The corporation       Listen


Broadcast Archives
