Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

T.A Barron, Andre Heinz and Jim Lyons

My guests today are T.A Barron, Andre Heinz and Jim Lyons.
A_great_tree_of_avalon_cover_book_gta1T.A Barron is the author of The great tree of Avalon and the five book epic The lost years of Merlin.
He is challenging both presidential candidates to voice their views on a varitey of environmental issues.
A_heinz_water_home2Andre Heinz (34) is the middleson of Teresa Heinz and the stepson of John Kerry. He has worked with Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins and The Natural Step in the "industrial ecology" movement. He explains the differences between George W Bush and John Kerry.

A_lyons_1Jim Lyons was Undersecretary for Natural resources and the Environment in the Clinton administration. He is Executive Director of the Casey Trees Endowment Fund in washington DC and the author of Red, White, Blue and Green, politics and the environment in the 2004 election.     Listen

A_redwhiteblue_cover The content of the book is downloadable from the site and can be accessed for free.

George Lakoff

A_lakoff1Interview with George Lakoff, professor of linguistics at UC Berkeley and recent author of Don’t think of an elephant, the essential guide for progressives.

Know your values and frame the debats are his key recommendations.



The Dave Brower Hour

David_brower_with_globeToday our hour is dedicated to David Brower.
We’ll talk about the Brower Youth awards and with filmmaker
Kelly Duane about her film:
Monumental: David Brower’s fight for wild America. See the trailer


Rex Weyler about Greenpace

Our guests today are: Rex Weyler and environmental comedian Johny Steele.

A_rexweylerRex Weyler author of Greenpeace, how a group of ecologists, journalists and visionaries changed the world,  published by Raincoast Books (on recycled paper) talks about how it all started:
founding of Greenpeace, from the late-1960s to the formation of
Greenpeace International in 1979, including intimate personal stories,
sea voyages, triumphs and failures, internal clashes, and the influence
of Quakers, Buddhism, Gandhi, the civil rights movement, political
street theatre, media theory, and other cultural inspiration. 



Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Anita Roddick

My guests today are Robert .F Kennedy Jr and Anita Roddick.  Robert Kennedy speaks about crimes against nature the article he wrote for Rollingstone in 2003 and the book that was published with the same title in september 2004 and the subtitle: How George W.Bush and his corporate pals are plundering the country and hikacking our democracy. You can also listen to him weekly on Air America’s Ring of fire.

A_troubled_waters_coverAnita Roddick founder of the Body Shop published in 2004 Troubled water



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