Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

About climate change, facts and fiction, Part 2

My Guests today are Susan Hassol and Patrick Michaels.

A_hassolSusan Hassol is a key author of the recently released Impacts of a  Warming Arctic  who also testified last week at the Senate’s hearings on global warming.
Also see her article A Change of Climate.
A_michaels_cato_2Patrick Michaels is Senior Fellow on Environmental Issues with the Cato Institute.

The program as resumed by EVWorld

About climate change, facts and fiction, Part 1

Our guests today are Annie Petsonk of Environmental Defense and Marlow Lewis with the Competitive Enterprise Institute. With additional comments by Johnny Steel.
A_petsonk_annieAnnie Petsonk is International Counsel with EDF: she tells us about the latest research of 300 scientists showing a rise in Arctic Warming.
A_marlo_lewis_competitive_istMarlow Lewis is a senior fellow at CEI: he expresses another point of view that calls moderate Republican John McCain an "alarmist" for convening an urgent Senate hearing on the subject this week. Listen

Deb Callahan, Oil on Ice

My guests today are Deb Callahan and Dale Djerassi.
A_deb_callahan_smallDeb Callahan is President of the League of Conservation Voters: she tells us why she is not discouraged since there was some good green news at the state and ballot levels.
A_oil_on_ice_polar_bear_1Dale Djerassi is the producer and director of the documentary film Oil on ice: it begins with an
intimate view of the natural history and indigenous cultures of
northeastern Alaska, then looks at the role of oil in Alaska’s history
and culminates with the national battle over plans to drill for oil in
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.         Listen

Post-election post mortem

A_yvon_chouinardOur guests after the election are Yvon Chouinard, Founder of Patagonia and Rick Ridgeway the company’s environmental director.
A_rick_ridgewayWe’ll discuss the impetus behind the company’s "Vote the Environment" campaign, what went wrong and what’s next.

We were unable to find active urls about the Vote the environment campaign.
They were probably disconnected after the election.

Carl Pope and David Helvarg

My gA_carl_pope_smalluests today are Carl Pope and David Helvarg, plus ecomedian Johnny Steele on Pre-Election Anxiety  Disorder and other ills.
Carl Pope is Executive Director of the Sierra Club. He talks about how the environment is factoring into the presidential campaign and about his book Strategic ignorance, why the Bush administration is recklessly destroying a century of environmental progress.

A_david_helvarg_1David Helvarg is President of the Blue Frontier Campaign. He wrote in 1993 The war against the greens and in 2001 Blue Frontier, saving America’s living seas. He speaks about the Bush-whacking of trees and other natural resources.                                          Listen



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