Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Less is more: Betsy Taylor

A_betsy_taylorAfter wrapping up our 3 part-series on Climate Change we’ll lighten the mood and turn to the holydays.
How to simplify and green your holydays is the topic. My guest is Betsy Taylor, Executive Director of the Center for a New American Dream. We talk about how to make Hanukah/Christmas more meaningful and less materialistic, adding up to a more satisfying and sustainable holyday season.  Listen

Ross Gelbspan, about climate change, facts and fiction, part 3

Today we wrap up our series on global warming with chilling commentary from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Ross Gelbspan.
A_boiling_point_coverThe account of his awakening to the climate change crisis is dramatic and compelling and his new book Boiling point is both a wake-up call and call to action.


INDEX 2004

20. December 26  Religion and the environment, Part 2  Listen

                           Paul Gorman, Fletcher Harper and Stephen Pearce

19. December 19  Religion and the environment, Part 1  Listen
                          Sally Bingham and Adam Stern

18. December 12 Less is more: Betsy Taylor  Listen

17. December 5  Ross Gelbspan, about climate change, facts and fiction Part 3  Listen

16. November 28 about Climate change, facts and fiction Part 2  Listen
      Susan Hassol ; Patrick Michaels

15. November 21  about Climate change, facts and fiction Part 1  Listen
      Annie Petsonk ;  Marlow Lewis

14. November 14  Deb Callahan and Oil on Ice  Listen

13. November 7  Yvon Chouinard and Rick Ridgeway  Listen

12. October 31  Carl Pope and David Helvarg   Listen

11. October 24  T.A Barron, Andre Heinz and Jim Lyons   Listen

10. October 17 George Lakoff, author of Don’t think of an elephant, the essential guide for progressives Listen  

9. October 10  Dave Brower Hour  with filmmaker Kelly Duane     Listen

8. October 3  Rex Wyler about Greenpace and Eco-comedian Johnny Steele   Listen

7. September 26 Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Anita Roddick   Listen

6. September 19  Karen Roberts and Paul Loeb   Listen
Karen Roberts, author of Passions and Patience: fostering Earth’s future through unlikely partnership
Paul Loeb, author of The impossible will take a little while: a citizen’s guide to hope in a time of fear

5. September 12  Incineration’s dangers, Global warming     Listen
Pr Paul Connett of Saint Lawrence University, NY

4. September 5  The zero waste movement, part II        Listen
Stories from abroad, Australia, Wales, the Philippines…

3.  August 29   Do you know where your garbage is? The zero waste movement   Listen
Mike Papparian, California Integrated Waste Management Board
Neil Seldman, Institute for Local Self Reliance
Resa Dimino, Grassroots recycling Network

2. August 22   Documentaries and Mockumentaries      Listen 
John Grimes, Producer of There is something about W
Mark Achbar, producer of The corporation

1. August 15  It’s the environment stupid      Listen 
Aimée Christensen, Executive Director of Environment 2004
Actor, Director, Producer Peter Horton
Chip Giller, Editor of Grist magazine


Guests 2005

Sorry this list needs updating. Thank you for your patience and understanding. You can find an updated list of the programs (with all the guests) but not in alphabetical order by looking at the index for 2005.

Kerwood Steve     Living on Earth    1/9/05

Kreitler Peter    EarthTalk Today, LA TV show   1/9/05

Lipkis Andy    Tree People     1/23/05

Lovins Hunter  Natural Capitalism Inc  2/6/05   Listen

McKibben Bill   1/2/05

Moss Doug   E Magazine   1/9/05   

Peri Andy  Sea Turtle Restoration Project   1/30/05

Ponce Dave  Rustle the leaf  2/13/05

Popalardo Mike  Green Light Magazine  2/13/05

Schardt Arlie    Environmental Media Services   1/16/05

Spellen Mark   Plenty Magazine  2/13/05

Weiner Drew     Reef Protection International   1/30/05

Wickline Bob   musician  2/13/05

INDEX 2005

On December 31 we aired Global Warming and you, a recycling of show 68    Listen

77. Methyl-bromide, mercury, PVC and Teflon   12/24/05  Listen

76. Oil Vey  12/17/05  Listen

75. Kyoto protocol, protests and cow poop  12/10/05 Listen

74. Climate change, green holidays and grizzlies  12/03/05 Listen

73. Green Gifts, Polluted Air  11/26/05 Listen

72. Forests, Food and Energy 11/19/05  Listen

71. Arctic refuge and clean vehicles  11/12/05  Listen

70. Talkin’ trash  11/5/05   Listen

69. Climate Mash  10/29/05  Listen

68. Global warming and you  10/22/05  Listen

67. Energy matters  10/15/05  Listen

66. Driving less? Dams, D Brower Youth Awards, clean coal 10/8/ 05  Listen

65. Green hotels   10/1/05  Listen

64. Post Katrina   9/24/05  Listen

63. A new schedule for EcoTalk: Saturday 12 noon ET  9/24/05

62. About Katrina   9/11/05   Listen

61. Towards the Summit  9/4/05  Listen

60. Drowning New Orleans  9/2/05

59. Best of EcoTalk 2: replay of Toxins in cosmetics  8/28/05  Listen

58. Betsy on Morning Sedition about energy policies  8/25/05  Listen 

57. Best of EcoTalk 1: replay of the interview with Riki Ott  8/21/05 Listen

56. America’s energy future   8/14/05 Listen

55. About the Sierra Summit  8/7/05  Listen

54. Ocean Directory, bad energy policies  7/31/05  Listen

53. Green Nazis, ExxposeExxon and saving Asian bears  7/24/05  Listen

52. G8 and GW, Cities and climate change, remembering Gaylord Nelson   7/17/05  Listen

51. About the G8 summit with Michael Dorsey and Michel Gelobter  7/10/05 Listen

50. Helen Caldicott and the new nuclear danger  7/3/05  Listen

49. Cars of the future: are we there yet?  6/26/05  Listen

48. Redwood Mary and Teddy Roosevelt IV  6/19/05 Listen

47. Last child in the woods  6/12/05  Listen

46. 4 minutes of Al Gore’s speech in San Francisco  6/2/05  Listen

45. Betsy on Air America’s Morning Sedition  6/6/05   Listen

44. The greenest cities  6/5/05  Listen

43b Deanna Neil interviews Betsy about EcoTalk

43. World Environment Day 2005  5/29/05  Listen

42. Toxins in cosmetics   5/22/05  Listen

41. Interview with John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton   5/15/05  Listen

40. The answer is in the wind (and the sun)  5/8/05  Listen

39. Environmentalism is not dead  5/1/05  Listen

38. Michael Shellenberger and Adam Werbach  4/24/05 Listen

37. John de Graaf and Joel McEwen  4/17/05 Listen

36. Ronald Wright, Joel Gershon, Gregor Siebock  4/10/05   Listen

35. Greener cars in Canada and green carpets   4/3/05  Listen

34. Interview with Riki Ott  3/25/05  Listen

33. Let’s take our heads out of the sand!  Listen

32. Artic drilling, auto allaince deceptive ads, more EV1s crushed, more mercury  3/20/05  Listen

31. Stop the crushing, save the EV1s  3/13/05  Listen

30.   How green is Ford?    3/6/05   Listen

29.   Eco Careers and Verdopolis  2/27/05   Listen

28.   2005 budget and Kyoto    2/20/05   Listen

27.   Creative environmental outreach   2/13/05   Listen

        Cash cow of Clear Channel    2/10/05    

26.    Hunter Lovins  Sustainable redevelopment  2/6/05   Listen

25.   The ecological impact of the Tsunami 1/30/05  Listen      

24.   Tree people     1/23/05    Listen

23.   Arlie Schardt   1/16/05    Listen

22.   Green Media    1/9/05    Listen

21.   Bill McKibben   1/2/05   Listen


Broadcast Archives
