Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Eco Careers and Verdopolis

Our guests today are Kevin Doyle, Marie Kerpan and Joel Gershon:
A_kevin_doyleKevin Doyle is one of the two national  program directors of  Eco, Environmental Careers Organization and  co-author of The ECO guide to careers that matter.

A_marie_kerpan_green_careers_2Marie Kerpan is the founder of Green Careers a consulting practice "designed to help people find jobs that support ecological, social and economic sustainability." She is the author of When the canary stops singing. Listen (11 min)

Our new correspondent on the East Coast, Joel Gershon reports about Verdopolis, the conference about the future green city that took place in New York.  Listen  to the wole show  (37 min) A_joel_gershon_1

A_verdopolis_1 is the official site of the conference but it has been off (maybe back on when you click).


2005 Budget and Kyoto

Our first guest today is Wesley Warren, Director of Advocacy for NRDC who will comment about the 2005 federal budget with drastic cuts in the funding for the EPA and many environment programs.

A_al_gore_1The second segment is devoted to Al Gore‘s comment about the Kyoto protocol and the fact the US is not part of this treaty.

A_kyoto_protocol_5Lisa Hymas senior editor with Grist Magazine explains the importance of the new technologies and how the rest of the world will go ahead. She mentions Ross Gelbspan‘s initiative, Kyoto and beyond, the people’s ratification. Sign the petition today!

Sarah from Oil Addicts Anonymous talks about their protest tour in the heartland of America to help break the country’s oil addiction.    Listen

Join the Union of Concerned Scientists protests against the Japanese car makers lawsuit in California.

Another on line campaign against global warming is the cut the emissions petition initiated by the Environmental Defense Fund.

Creative environmental outreach

A_cover_plenty_mag_1Our guests today are two magazine editors and a cartoonist.
Mark Spellun is Editor in Chief and Publisher of Plenty Magazine.
Mike Popalardo is  Co-Founder of Greenlight Magazine, debuting during the summer time.
Dave Ponce is a writer and co-creator of Rustle the Leaf comic strip: meet the cast.
We also have a new musical theme, by Bob Wickline.



is a teacher and a musician who recorded "Let’s Take Our Heads Out of
the Sand and Open Up Our Eyes" with Ecotalk in mind.

Tell us how you
like it.

Cash Cow of Clear Channel Drops A Turd On Cash-strapped EcoTalk

Just when we thought we were finally getting a break..along comes The Savage One.
Because EcoTalk is produced independently in the green Bay Area, far
from the not-so-green Apple, we have been renting space at a private
studio in SF to record the shows at considerable personal expense.

A_quake_frankenRecently, The Quake
(AAR’s SF affiliate), was nice enough to find us a free hour in one of
the Clear Channel Studios housed in the same building as KQKE, which
like many AA affiliates, is owned by CC.

Several weeks ago we finally
got to start taping the show (for free) at KQKE – just as we were
settling in after two shows, and about to tape the third (literally as
I was walking into the building), A_savage_mic_70_2I got a call on my cell phone from
our contact at KQKE – informing us, politely and with regrets – that
the studio would not be available that day and for the foreseable
future because Michael Savage decided he wanted to have that studio for
Oh really??? After my producer and I sped across town to keep
our taping time, once again back in the rented studio, we had a moment
to reflect. Ah, the indignity of being bumped by the right wing
hate-monger while we’re just trying to keep our costs downto bring a
little eco-enlightenment to America each week.

May he be burned by global warming.

Posted by Betsy

Hunter Lovins

A_hunter_lovinsInterview with Hunter Lovins about her work in sustainable redevelopment in the regions hit by the tsunami and in Afghanistan in cooperation with Engineers without borders.
She also talks about  how sustainability principles are necessary and profitable as explained in the book Natural capitalism, creating the next industrial revolution, she coauthored  in 1999.
More information on Natural Capitalism Inc , The natural capitalism group and Natcapsolutions.

Betsy also referred to the interview of Hunter with Grist Magazine

Also mentioned by Hunter in the interview with Betsy is the creation by Richard Sandor of the Chicago Climate Exchange and the European Climate Exchange.

Last but not least  Hunter is a  Faculty member of the MBA in sustainability management program  at the Presidio World College in San Francisco.

Here is a presentation Hunter gave in Seattle at the Profitable Sustainability Conference (recording courtesy of Voice of Bainbridge)


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