Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

A new schedule for EcoTalk: Saturday 12 noon ET

Unfortunately we don’t know -yet- how this new schedule will translate locally: 9, 10, 11 AM across the country.
Many stations are now selecting the shows they want  and it is up to them to  decide when to air them.
It is also up to you, the listeners, to ask them to air EcoTalk at a convenient time 🙂

Our list of AAR affiliates airing EcoTalk provides you with email and phone number: ask them if/when they now plan to air the show  and let them know your  wishes and support for EcoTalk.
Your call, your email can make a difference.
Thank you in advance for your help and feedback.

Post Katrina

We’ll get the latest on environmental health threats left in the wake of Katrina…what the EPA won’t tell
you about lingering risks to human health in the disaster zone. We’ll
also get an update from Washington on the embattled Endangered Species
Act and meet a St. Louis man who packed up his family to head to DC for
last week’s protest against drilling in ANWR.
His story – and what he
learned from Americans along the way, will inspire you.

Listen to the whole show (37 min)

Our guests are:
ChristyleavittMaurice Coman, Conservation Chair, Sierra Club Delta Chapter in Louisiana, Chair of
the Sierra Club National Toxics Committee,  and a resident of Metairie, LA.
Together with
Leavitt, U.S PIRG Clean Water Advocate

Black_famBrad Black who came with his family to Washington DC for Arctic Refuge Day.

Final segment, Bart
Semsir, who is in charge of Wildlife Programs for the Sierra Club

About Katrina and Planet Earth

At last the climate chaos long predicted by scientists and
environmentalists has hit U.S. shores in the form of high velocity Hurricane
Katrina – but it’s only a sign of whats to come, according to our guests.
Due to a reorganization of our usual server ( we are unable to provide directly the recordings of each segment. You can access each by going to radio.indymedia that is for now hosting them. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Johnrennie2 John Rennie is editor-in-chief of Scientific American, which predicted
the devastation in a 2001 article, Drowning New Orleans.
Listen (10 min) via radio.indymedia (it is the first segment)
And don’t miss their September issue, Crossroads for Planet Earth.

HurradarTom Knudson with NOAA speaks about his research about the impact of climate change on hurricanes.

Listen (7 min) via radio.indymedia

Mike_tidwell_imgBayoufarewell_2 Mike
, author of the prophetic 2003 book, Bayou Farewell tells us
why this cataclysmic event is another September 11th event that will either
make, or break, this country.

(12 min) via radio.indymedia

Wisdomcover1_2Carl Mc Daniel is the author of Wisdom for a livable planet : it encapsulates what we need to learn to survive. Enjoy!

Listen (7 min) via radio.indymedia

LISTEN to the whole program (37 min) hosted as usual by airamericaplace.

Technical problem

Some of the links of our previous shows (before september 1) have been modified by the server that hosts them and they did not inform us of the change: therefore many broken links we are now trying to fix asap.
If you want to correct yourself the address and get to the show you need to replace within the url:
by /archive/09.01.05/

Simple… but a lot of work 🙁
Our sincere apologies and thank you for your patience and understanding.
If/when you encounter a broken link, thanks for telling us so we can fix it. 🙂 Just send us a comment from the related posting (that will greatly facilitate our tracking and fixing of the problem).

Towards the Summit

Our guests are:

0gantzmarshall0fahn2_1Marshall Ganz, Lecturer at the Kennedy School of Government

Larry Fahn  who recently stepped down as President of the Sierra Club

Listen (15 min)


0mcdonough_1Cradle_cover_1Architect William McDonough, co-author of Cradle to cradle

Listen (19 min)

Listen to the whole program (37 min)

And, be sure to tune in next week as we focus on Hurricane Katrina as
the first national manifestation of climate chaos and why this is only
the beginning of what scientists and environmentalists have been
predicting, mostly onto deaf ears. Is America ready to listen, connect
the dots and take action or are we dooming and damning our children to
endure the results of our fuelishness?


Broadcast Archives
