Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

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Arctic refuge and clean vehicles

Robert_redford_1We’ll start by a few moments from the celebration in San Francisco of 35 years of environmental advocacy by NRDC, including a few words by MC Robert Redford. Listen (3 min)


Sarah_wilhoite_1We’ll get the latest on the effort to stop Congress from opening the Arctic Refuge for drilling from Sarah Wilhoite, Legislative Associate with Earthjustice .
Listen  (3 min)


Niel_golightly_1We’ll then turn to whats fueling the U.S. oil grab….our thirsty gas guzzlers. Niel Golightly, Ford’s Sustainable Business Strategies Director, talks
about their efforts to improve the fleets lowest EPA mileage rating and
what he thinks of protests against the automaker scheduled for this
weekend. Listen (6 min)

Louise_wells_bedsworth_2 We’ll also learn why Toyota, – the darling of enviros – is the
target of a campaign by Union of Concerned Scientists and others. well
talk to Louise Bedsworth, a senior analyst with their Clean Vehicles Program. Listen (8 min)


And then Jeff Slye, CEO of Business Evolution Consulting will tell us what he learned doing eco-makeovers for the hotel industry. Listen (12 min)


Talkin’ trash

This week end, just
when you thought the EPA might be busy protecting our embattled
environment we’ll tell you about attempts to loosen toxic pollution
reporting requirements for corporations…a move intiated by the
EPA…we’ll hear from Sean Moulton with OMB Watch.
We’ll get an update from Sierra Club’s Daryl Malek-Wiley
in New Orleans where hurricane debris, some of it toxic, is being
dumped in marshy wetlands and then we’ll really get down and dirty with
Heather Rogers who just released a book on "The Hidden Life of Garbage".
And Arnold Schwartzenegger, is he greening the Golden state or is his
image as an eco-friendly Governor being tarnished? The NRDC’s
California legislative anaylist, Ann Nothoff,  will weigh in….talkin’ trash this weekend on EcoTalk. LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)

SeanmoultonSEAN MOULTON – Senior Policy Analyist for OMB Watch

The Environmental Protection Agency has announced plans to significantly roll back reporting of toxic pollution under the agency’s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI).

LISTEN (9min)

SierraclubDARRYL MALEK-WILEY – Environmental Justice Organizer with the Sierra Club New OrleansThe Louisiana Environmental Action Network filed a petition appealing a decision by state environmental officials to allow once-closed Old Gentilly Landfill to receive construction and demolition wastes from Hurricane Katrina.
LISTEN (6 min)

Heatherrogers_1GoneHEATHER ROGERS – author of GONE TOMORROW talks about her new book and the hidden life of garbage.

LISTEN (12 min)



AnnnotthoffArnoldANN NOTTHOFF – California Advocacy Director of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) about Arnold and his environmentalism (or not).
LISTEN (7 min)

Read the article by Wade Graham in OnEarth.

Climate Mash

Just in time for Halloween – and these ARE scary times – we’ll debut "The Climate Mash", a scathing version of  Bobby Puckett’s classic, The Monster Mash…global warming has burned him out of retirement to record the song, complete with hysterical graphics (at We’ll talk to Angela Ledford, executive director of Clear The Air, which has a campaign to go along with the song. We’ll also check in with two  experts to learn what yet another killer storm portends for the future –Jerome Ringo, with The National Wildlife Federation, was a flood victim in Louisiana only to get hit by Wilma while in Florida for a talk. Peter Webster is a professor at Georgia Tech who says batten down the hatches for more warming fueled weather. Nell Newman will join us to talk about why Newman’s Own Organics is pushing fair trade coffee and Scott Silver with Wild Wilderness will tell us why national parks are under siege from a relentless administration and what you can do about it. Last, but not least, Daniel Hinerfeld will check in with a report on why the NRDC is suing the Navy over sonar… LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)

AngelaledfordAngela Ledford, campaign director of Clear the Air , the national campaign againt dirty power that just produced the climate mash video.

LISTEN (11 min)


JeromeringoJerome Ringo, chairman of the board of directors for
the National Wildlife Federation;

LISTEN (3 min)


Peterwebster_1Peter Webster, professor at Georgia Tech

LISTEN (3 min)



NellnewmanNell Newman, president and founder of Newman’s Own

LISTEN (6 min)



ScottsilverScott Silver, executive director of Wild Wilderness;

LISTEN (7 min)

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BleedingporpoiseThe NRDC segment is devoted to the lawsuit filed against the US Navy about their high intensity sonar exercises. We’ll hear part of the film narrated by Pierce Brosnan about those underwater noises.

HumpbackExperts explain why they produce masswhale mortality and the precaution the Navy should take to protect marine mammals. Speak out with NRDC’s Earth Action Center.
The interviews for this segment are  by Daniel Hinerfeld.  LISTEN (4 min)

Global warming and you

With Wilma taking aim at the Florida coast and the hurricane center quickly running out of names we’ll speak with global warming guru Ross Gelbspan about "Katrina’s True Name". The author, journalist and lecturer tells us why we should prepare for more extreme weather. We’ll also be chatting with Laurie David, eco-activist and wife of Curb Your Enthusiasm’s Larry David. Laurie discusses why she’s so enthusiastic about curbing global warming as is Steve Cochran, with Environmental Defense’s Undo It campaign. We’ll also hear why a change in the climate is impacting trout habitat in Montana – and what it means to you – from NRDC’s George Black.

Rossgelbspan_2 Ross Gelbspan Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of Boiling point (just published in paperback).
Listen to the first part of the interview (11 min)
Listen to the second part of the interview (7 minutes)

More info on (the people’s ratification).

We’ll also hear parts of the song Change in the climate by Sharon Abreu

Ed_cochranSteve Cochran, Director of Strategic Communications for Environmental Defense Fund

about their global warming undoit campaign.

Listen (4 min)




Lauriedavid_1 Laurie David Founder and active promoter of the virtual march

Listen (7 min)





Montana2 NRDC‘s magazine OnEarth explores the impact of global warming on trout habitat in Montana: how anglers and environmentalists join forces. George Black is articles Editor for OnEarth and his last book is The Trout Paradox. Listen (7 min)

NRDC also join forces with EcoTalk via a special partnership.

We wish  and hope other groups join us to promote and produce more radiobroadcasts about key environmental issues.

LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)


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